Can't play due to Google Authenticator Code (War Thunder)
In January 2017 cast to play War Thunder.Now decided to return, but the game will not let me.
If I remember correctly, I put some extension in browser for Google Authenticator Code.
But since a lot has changed in my Windows. The extension is already there
Already regret all that has enabled this dvuhetapnyh protection.
What do I do then? To create a new account? To lose all the progress before that...
Or you can turn it off? Or a cell phone snap?
Spoke to tech support, to no purpose, only answer:
Please read:
In the query indicate that you want to disable two-step authentication, specify, what caused that desire, and information about the configuration of your computer.
About how to do it, you can read here:
Sent them DxDiag and signed I want to disable this dvuhetapnyh authentication.
And they are sending me to the previous answer, saying: Please, no need to create duplicates.
So the problem is not solved. Not disabled they gave me nothing.
So write access was lost due to the fact that Windu was about to be demolished. God, child, need to chew.
approx. Wrote again, thus:
Please disable two-step authentication, lost access due to reinstalling Windows, information about the configuration of your computer attached.
Right !.. Bomb them !
They're just lazy and ofigel. Banyat even bug reports ...
it seems this NG where nobody works. The answer is still no.
Yes I do not mind, access, do not have this.
snail support works through one place. I have also restored access to your account a couple of years ago. it was the apotheosis of stupidity of the support.
how? I'm in an account, you can not only in game but also on the site ihnem.
I was referring to the game installation ...
I had a similar problem and direction for the installation, after some manipulation, I withdrew not my account and after a dreary checking allowed in the game.