Optimization (South Park: The Fractured But Whole)
share opinions about optimusone say that from 6 to 2 frames is this true?Right now would be the optimization of the 2D games to discuss.
Of course she eats more than the previous one but in the end both games devour less than the emulator of the Dandy or Sega.
that is playable on any bucket since 2011
so... where can I change the resolution? and then I have a monitor that refuses to run in the mode that provides the game itself
and, as a consequence, I can't see a thing
really is always a long wait at the crossings, to other gaming screens and eats even a little more than the second dishonored that sometimes leads to game crashes when the browser is running, fubara, etc. that there are 2.5 graphics does not mean that there is not involved a lot of scripts and streams of the sdf, this previously only in the network the division has been used.
Constant terrible drawdowns fps when the RAM eats not much and the CPU is not much zagruzit
Thank you, man. I was so stupid as the Witcher 3 and GTA5 I have knocked without the lag, although not a little below average, but it works well as boots. Of course, I knew about the possibility of the selection of graphical percent, but I th-thought there was that by default can system stick the game vidyahu integrated from Intel is Vidavski. In General, thanks.
Alexander Dobriy Kovalev
You're not a dummy-I also thing that the stick of truth from discrete coming! My thoughts have already been returned to do, well googled!
Ale, sauce Park pulls on a Mac mini 2011, but the average is 30 fps and frequent freezes. PERC I: i5, 4GB memory, count.percents: AMD Radeon HD 6630M, but the wood - 6600M and 6700M Series. Specifications: https://support.apple.com/kb/SP632?locale=ru_RU How to raise fps and reduce the load on RAM, CPU, count.percent, and reduce the frequency of occurrences of the Frisians?
so yubiki this Tetris has already made a Curling iron, there vrodeby even less than 20 frames