Help, I'm being hunted (Fortnite: Battle Royale)
Help,today happened a great misfortune.I got a Deadpool skin and went to play with him.In the first battle I killed Deadpool,but I did not know what it meant.All day today,every game I fly two or less Dedpula.They do not respond to my teammates.For the very first time I in the rat killed them.But then Two of the same Deadpool made me jump in the same rink,and they came from where they died the first time.Their signs-skin Deadpool,rocket glider and katana Deadpool.They are everywhere and they have similar nicknames.Please,debates to friends and help them protistoyat.Nick-jjarik.In one rink they have not appeared,but my character started to choke and lose the shield and then health,but in the end I got killed through a tree.2 Comments