Trains (Cities: Skylines)
Build 2 railway station (for passengers, not for cargo), create a route, and they do not travel round - trip. Help plzMr_Maks_QOLDEN
when building the train station,look carefully whatever path has been connected and the route looped
I have next to the city in Cities: Skylines has a railway branch I picked up and all the people go but the main thing that was the entrance and exit and this thread
Between the residential areas, where everything is arranged to work on proximity, passengers will not be large. At the station no one will come, if it is far away from the houses and you can get to it on foot. If you hold a railway between the two areas, residential and industrial area, and to bring to stations, bus routes or subway, then the flow will be large. In fact the train used to get to work and school. Work can be in the commercial area, where local residents lack education, but in a different residential area it is and they will get to work on the railway. Tourists come to the city when the city has developed Commerce and places of interest, also visit the places of recreation. Train with tourists make heavy use of track number of trains, better use of travel routes separate from the internal messages.
continuing the theme about trains))
who knows why the plug? and what can be done?
I even if the railway tracks for the transport of goods is still clogged, it is very difficult to calculate the bandwidth are constantly faced with this problem at some point. The issue is simple, the demand for transportation exceeds the capacity of the line. If import and export is too large, and the terminals are in the end only one line of railway connected with the outside world and even if the line is more who does not use it (no passenger transportation, no cargo transportation internal lines) anyway the line is clogged. It is necessary to reduce the demand for imports by producing more of the imported and to reduce the surplus production which is exported. Within the region, transportation is also a problem, then you need to calculate the load given the demand and supply within the region, plus the imports and exports that is quite difficult. It seems that the logistics of the game is one of the priorities of the parties.
can someone tell me, can't find resolution. Crow large junction of railway tracks all good, but at one point the train just broken not going anywhere, and as if dancing on the rails, thus, the congestion on the railway tracks, can anyone suggest a solution to this problem?
the best solution to traffic jams at the railway steel one-way rails - from one end of town and the other out and go round all stations ! but the problem is that the attach the rails to the stations is a fork in the road which blocks all traffic,and not put in any way to the rails was smooth without forks in the road from the station