The strongest monsters (Elex)
Guys tell me. Want to find and kill the strongest monsters in the game. Tell me where to find them. Heard there is some sort of underground cave....I know Toko one cave in the ice in the North. There was one time I filled up there do not go) and Yes she is under a waterfall like deep down.
The most powerful experience opponents:
1. Cyclops (400 experience)
2. Ice Troll (300-375 experience)
3. Mountain Troll (250-350 experience)
4. Linear (225-275 experience)
5. Cartridge and Moloch (250 experience)
8. Croquer and the Usual Troll (200 experience)
9. Chimera and Sizesmall (160 experience)
Oh there's sort of two Moloch, and ice Troll? Here I heard about it. It is necessary to climb) if I am not mistaken in front of the waterfall two Lycan's running around. I just need the location to know
Spoilerthree can be found to the North of the teleporter three pines, where they meet ray. Just to go on the road to the North, on the right side are two of the Lycans run. And going a little further is the waterfall going down you will meet another one.