My career (WWE 2K18)
Someone help the Council to win the Royal rumble in my career.Am getting first time holding then still endure.It seems to me not really to win.Tedious and almost impossible, you will quickly be replayed to achieve out not 1m
Even in the univeerse rumble easier
I'm 2 months were at the level of the legend
Dron 82
put the difficulty a beginner and all,I'm the first time to beat and a balance tweak
Ben BandiT
There is no option to change the difficulty from the start of the Royal and everything, so it is not so simple
Dron 82
There is Another way, but it's dirty and not everyone will go to him if something will not help, option trainer
But it strem of course, I myself have long suffered and still passed. Try , if enough time will pass
before the Rumble itself!!!do not approach the Tod and Mullen in the settings to change it