Russian localization 5 Episodes (Life is Strange)
Who knows, left or when will the Russian voice 5 episodes?)Riws
Yes, there are such feelings( And it's sad, because a great voice, four episodes was fun to play with and the fifth would not mind) I had to play with the English voice acting and Russian subtitles( But the game is gorgeous, so it was not so important) (Full Russian localization will be released 24.12.2017)
Spallarossa localization best (the Voice of Chloe more than anyone I liked) but the rest is also at altitude)
Finally released full Russian localization from ElikaStudio (text, voice acting, textures, models)
Спойлер link to group ElikaStudio
Ellie Williams
So from LIS interpreters for a long time there, it's on BTS LIS not yet fully translated)