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GTAman 06.04.20 04:22 pm

Records in GTA: VC (Grand Theft Auto: Vice City)

Official™ theme for fallometrii for GTA: Vice City :) Same as on the forum GTA III.

Discuss our gaming achievements, all sorts of statistics and the means of its improvement.

The latter, associated with records of what I did in VC — is trying as quickly as possible to get the longest race for the dealership. Details here. Best time I made up — 3:54 (Hotring from the showroom), as the author of that theme. For example, the first result that can be beat :)

As Weiss echogen far and wide, breaking all sorts of records refers to the few that still could be interesting. And the reason for discussion is good.
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Chempion2016 06.04.20

long time did not come here XA
again my nickname in many records, but this is probably due to the fact that records few deals. I did not set it for the records (well, except for the front and rear wheels - I zadrachivat, though it was long ago and not true)

PS, I understand that the Kerma in a long bath. Hopefully after unban he will write what the records without evidence? If you need screenshots I will provide them, but in principle can and save my swing

By the way, don't be surprised other high points of the statistics, these records I set in the save game Чемпиона2008.
hmm, Cho so much I would run up chtoli?)

Night Light 06.04.20

Today I set a new record! My Tommy parried the ball head on the island, Starfish Island 203 times!


P. S. Maybe it's a new world record.

GTAman 06.04.20

Or even two. Second — noise-game injury of the brain Tommy :)

Night Light 06.04.20

Continue to break records. The best time in the mission Alloy Wheels of Steel - 1:06.


DJ_KOT 06.04.20

Here is my record on the 6th track:

Car - Cheetah (COP)
Time - 4:06

GTAman 06.04.20

Night Light
On a motorcycle with enhanced control or normal?

DJ_KOT 06.04.20

And now rode on a firetruck is the result of about 20sec faster than the Cheetah....

Time - 3:48

PS so I was wrong about the best cars for racing.....

Grand Auto Thief 06.04.20

Hmm, you have 30 seconds listless the taxi :3

AlSar 06.04.20

Need friends, I just might do...

A question to the Studio - someone besides the Champion stuffed a rating of Godfather
I max 600 thousand from need 1kk, and $20кк never found my Weiss
So is there anyone?
And how is this achieved if there is?
In my opinion, the only real way is to fill the garage Hyman Condo and helicopters to manganite after receiving endless rounds them to the bitter end

GTAman 06.04.20

Faster way no. But zakolebalsya. And chopped one save over the years, sometimes running it for a showdown with copymem with a fair knocking down helicopters even less realistic option.

DJ_KOT 06.04.20

Grand Auto Thief
I mean?) Something did not understand that lightless taxi... :)

Grand Auto Thief 06.04.20

No lights on the roof.

Chempion2016 06.04.20

In my opinion, the only real way is to fill the garage Hyman Condo and helicopters to manganite after receiving endless rounds them to the bitter end

well, at my way. better I never met.

and if honestly, I think it is not really nerd. Here in San I am the shield are much more difficult to fill the rating (even if zero mission). Put 3 Verta and blow them up. Per minute on average out of 1,000 rating. The cops actually harass, and bribe-clothes close by. Cartridges овер9000, typing them is always possible. In General, do not know the sales, what better way to come up)

the money can be obtained easier than I was producing. Night light has developed the following technology: update records in Kono crazy.

I mean?) Something did not understand that lightless taxi... :)
read the topic about a unique transport

Time - 3:48
Great. But the best vehicle for the production of records - the super angel

Night Light 06.04.20

Night Light
On a motorcycle with enhanced control or normal?
Of course with improved. Can be faster to drive (1:01), but for this we need to steal a bike one of the bikers, to fail the mission and go through it again (for the pre-acceleration). I just drove the bike and took it on a mission.

A question to the Studio - someone besides the Champion stuffed a rating of Godfather
I max 600 thousand from need 1kk, and $20кк never found my Weiss
I do this cream. rating was not reached, especially since pumping saves not engaged. In an ideal save want to fill 10 million)

the money can be obtained easier than I was producing. Night light has developed the following technology: update records in Kono crazy.
Well, Yes, in Cone Crazy for pobivanie of record always give twice more money. Only in this mission to set a record 24 times, the last win will be $1677721600. To get the maximum amount of money ($999999999) enough 23 times.

Great. But the best vehicle for the production of records - the super angel
Yeah. With him I passed the race in 3 minutes 31 seconds. The race was completed perfectly, I doubt that this record can be beat. This time I installed only 1 time, it took several hundred attempts.

Right now, I'm going to swing the Firetruck mission while the record of 9 minutes, I want 100!

GTAman 06.04.20

Only in this mission to set a record 24 times
You mean, so many times you can double your winnings? But does it really? What is the maximum and minimum times you can complete the mission, do you know?

Chempion2016 06.04.20

Minimum 6
maximum - 45

GTAman 06.04.20

And that means, really.

Chempion2016 06.04.20

Yeah, I guess this method is really easier than stuffing the dough in vigilante

Nikined 06.04.20

My records of aircraft and helicopter racing: http://rghost.ru/35747809

Chempion2016 06.04.20

well, put screens to me or not?