redoolf, when I read the topic carbon monoxide poisoning: rare items, the value of which fluctuates greatly, from a combination of qualities of varying degrees of coolness that is described through the phrase Srednego ka4estva that may 85% mean does not need ticking, and a 15% meh. :D
Oleg Bukhalo,odd you your maroon amulets would not sell Akara ,and the sales of the screenshots made me ashamed to the forum to throw ) Therefore On rare items of medium quality
ZaKosil, with the sale of the norms rare in KL there is a problem. in the best of times, was fun to play in CL they are not sold - Mal they were ALREADY fucking do not need and there was a risk they screw you. rules the subject of a scepter 2/10/3 could cost ~Lo (which was parousiasi as Nehru to do), but was changed to CL SoJ and both parties were satisfied. in short, I don't see the point in this topic without screenshots or a literal description. :-) proposera, which is focused on, here is not particularly climb.. (