Enough to a toad to play in school EPT let me copy and decide for himself.
I don't have time to play so much just hunting pokatatsya on all mopeds.
ReservoirDOG Yes, if it made motorcycles, it was necessary to add more - at least 10-15 pieces.
would 10-15 pieces
O_O what do you mean? there current 35, and is the main goal of the game. 4 bike - it is just their capabilities. more they year to do.
That's brilliant,because not every game has the ability to pobediti not only cars,but also motorcycles.
after bernauta TDU I want to throw far, far away. there's a game principle nothing to do.
Motsyk painfully not well-made,it slightly touches the wall, and all have fell off
And do imagine how these motyka will fight???there's one pancake and only remain in the literal sense of the word,it's not cars,motocycle per second would fall,and still want to be driven not there during the accident was sitting...Yeah,let's see how the drivers in the host knits...led disappears not to show scenes of violence,if they were then the game would get a rating of +17 well, no less than +13,but is current in Russia at the age limit who cares,abroad the law is special not to sell all in a row and eventually the game is played only adults(not from Russia).