What would happen if...
In this thread ask funny riddles, what would their other guessed.Here's the first:
What would happen if all world network has failed and everything that was in it has been formatted?
80% of people being hanged or shot.
It would be if you were walking down the street and suddenly met Petrosian.
We began b the dialogue.
What would not exist beer, vodka, and if pharmacies didn't sell rubbing alcohol?
The world would be like this.
What would happen if the world will win hipi.
Public transport
What if we have Nezavisimosti Caucasus and enter the part of the United States?
The world would be captured by us with the United States.
What would happen if we still have not mastered space?
We would have done my geography.
What would have happened if we still nebylo Internet.
We would walk on the street.
What would happen if you will cut off the warm water?
Ahaha, I have a heater))
If it wasn't PG, people would settle on other portals.
What would happen if all the cars, ships, airplanes and so on were working on nuclear engines?
Do not generalize, sir. If it were not Pehe, I would even the Incentive now was not.
Nothing. Still thinking about the future.
What would happen if a global flood?
Long we wouldn't have lived.
What would happen if the Soviet Union will be reborn?
It would be VERY GOOD.
What would have happened if Russia was not Chinese goods?
There would be no reason for a laugh.
What would happen if this topic is alive again?
Everything would be rushed pofludit it.
What would happen if the clouds were like people?
Then the clouds would communicate with each other
What would happen if the GHG captured armor?
No suitable Picchu, clearly would have shown.
Bonamassa reached to a critical level. Too much of friendship.
What would happen if you had the chance once to go back in time and change something?
I wouldn't be here today.
What would have happened if life was a video game?
A lot of friendship does not happen ;)