2 game day is... (The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim)
It's written in a fashion to wait two days after the establishment, it is necessary to stand and wait or you can rewind two days ?Dragonborn Jughead
You can just play ( the time is still coming ), you can sleep, you can sit and wait ...
A two-night dance. :-)
Dragonborn Jughead
most often it is recommended to play, not to wait, so the script was real at the time to run
It is recommended to climb in the Test room and to wait there ... We don't know what the mod is our friend, under the unusual nickname Dragonborn slow-witted.
MunchkiN 616
For example, Pak weapons I forgot the name, it was written that you need to wait the day would have in all locations appeared weapons. I'm not going to put this mod was just a question
Dragonborn Jughead
Simply needs to be updated level leaves and close it to heart to take not worth it. Weapons during this time is integrated between the specified in the description of the NPCs in the World ( in the location ? ) and will gradually be equipped ( andor added to inventory ).
Play on how to play ...