Weather - All Natural (The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion)
Who put this mod pliz share experience with installing.1. OBSE 0018+
downloaded the link to TES.AG.Roux (what to run through it at the end it will be necessary that I understand)
2. how to install Wrye Bash ??? Throw in the game folder in oblivion/data, but the start does not get it, just run, open some system window for a split second and nothing... :*(
In the README says that you can install using OBMM, but what does the paragraph in the README:
- Recreate your Bashed Patch, selecting the Import fields" and adding the source files are All Natural.esp and All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp.
Apparently the problem is my inability to work in OBMM... now at random to try?
What's to install ??? it is possible and without any programming because all stupidly threw everything in the folder read the README and connected all pralno
Wyre Python you have installed?
And at the expense of creating a new patch and I have a problem: no list of files... doesn't want to show what fashion is, and that's it.
I hesitated this mod to connect the 2 hours soared. In the end, not fucking set. The README is written generally disgusting, I'll understand. And I do not need to write that I have hands, feet, etc. curves.
Oh, I explain the steps.
Install Wrye Bash:
1) Download
2) Set. This will launch the installer, then another, and then another - and so 5 times. Everywhere click Next and Ok all by itself is normally established.
3) Download
4) Unpack the archive. There will be two folders, Data and Mopy. Both copied to your game folder (in the folder of the game, Oblivion, but not in the game folder Data). To the question about replacing files in Data folder - Yes (actually nothing will be replaced).
5) All, Wrye Bash is installed. The configure - configures it automatically at startup. IEDM to the folder Oblivion/Mopy sent to the desktop shortcut of the file Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw . launching from the desktop the shortcut - first, the first file will compile, and will open a window like this:
Asks, say allow you to change the time of the installation of the plugins? Allow.
All the while that exit Wrye Bash.
6) Install OBSE. Download . Then unpack the archive. The archive will be a folder 0019b, and in it are files. All these files are copied to the folder of Oblivion. (OBLIVION, not Data) is that there is nothing to touch. The installation is completed.
7) Installation BOSS. BOSS - Better Oblivion Sorting Software. tobish program to sort the load order of the plugins. Downloadable (with tesnexus, and can be with mirror which I have filled).
BOSS now comes in a beautiful installer that simplifies the installation prog, but complicated her work :)
Run the installer. Click "Next". then, look: there are two strings if first decided the game folder (for Example I have this D:\Games\Oblivion\), then click the check mark on the line Oblivion. The second line should be empty and with the removed tick is the boss works with other games in this engine (fallout), and there on idea it is necessary to register a folder of fallout. But it's not like we're doing fallout, right?
In the next window prompts you to check the composition of the installation - ostavljam marked all, click Install. In the next window (after installation) leave everything as is, just remove the checkmark from View Readme. Starts a black window through which BOSS updated. If you have a firewall, even after allowing the access program will not be updated. Run it manually from start-Programs-BOSS-Update Masterlists. After you upgrade you have a working BOSS. now about the complication of life. Wrye Bash that we work with (v287), does not see the new version of BOSS. Go to Oblivion/Data, create a text file. It is copied in it is:
@echo off
Persistent. Rename (must uncheck Hide extensions for known file types in the folder settings Windows) the file from New text файл.txt at the BOSS.bat . All, now Wrye Bash sees the BOSS.
8) Installation of All Weather (and generally any mods that need to be installed via Wrye Bash. If you have done all the previous points, then repeat them you don't need). Go to the folder where is located your Oblivion folder (for example I have this D:/Games/ ). See? There is a new folder, Oblvion Mods. We go, we see two folders. Go into the Bash Installers folder. And right here pushes the file Weather-All_Natural_v1.1_ru-z 18305.7. Pushed? Closing the folder. Run Wrye Bash shortcut on your desktop. Above you can see the tab Installers, Plugins and so on. Click on Installers - the program will ask whether to hold the scan - enable scan. After scanning there will be our Weather-All_Natural_v1.1_ru-z 18305.7. Press the right button, select Master installer. While he will see, take some time and you would think that the program hangs. This is not so. A window will appear in the installer. There all simply and in Russian - just read the comments everything that is written there, and choose the tick box. At the end at the bottom put a tick on Apply selected. After all this, choose again all naturals, right-click and there choose Set. After you install Go to the tab mods, check that all of all naturals must be checked - marked. All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp SHOULD NOT BE MARKED. Looking for in the list of plugins the new plugin Bashed Patch.esp - it should also be noted. Right-click on it - Create patch. If Deactivate requests about plugins - there is no click. In the window that appears to the right and find a tick on Import fields. In the window that appears to the left mark with ticks All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp and everything else that concerns all of naturals. can also see the settings you will find many interesting functions with comments in Russian. To make it work, you must first tick the desired section, and then select the desired function. Click Create patch. After creating the patch note it in the tab Fashion. Now look down at the small icons at the bottom of the program window. From left to right (the most basic).
green square - OBSE on/off.
Red square - exit the program when you start the game.
Icon game - play (and if checked the box of the OBSE, the start of the game + OBSE)
Icon TESCS (if installed) - start tasks, + OBSE.
Icon OBMM (if installed) - launch OBMM.
The word BOSS in black letters - run BOSS.
Click on the BOSS. opens a file with a list of all your plugins, where you can read about some important information. The boss also put the boot order to not conflict (the base BOSS has over 10,000 plugins).
All, all natural installed and configured. You can start the game with Obse_launcher.exe from the folder of the game, but I prefer to launch the game from Wrye Bash launcher so much easier.
Here's how: Note the first two checkboxes (run OBSE and closed when the game starts) and start the game with snacka game (third from left). The program will store the function is enabled, and the next time will be immediately imate to the character of the game.
I also recommend to install Storms and Sounds. he ustanavlivaetsya as a normal plugin.
I don't know Weather - All Natural something did not like, due to lighting mostly. Although OBSE Storms & Sound SI left adds realism.
Turn off this stupid Real Lights and you'll damage your eyes in the dark. The lighting is great, especially with HDR.
Oblivion stranger, those huge human thanks to the shit was found at last ustanovil plugin...
Looking for in the list of plugins the new plugin Bashed Patch.esp - it should also be noted.
By the way, interesting point. The fact that I, too, have set ourselves this weather mod, after upgrading a PC, and I must say that he did not used to install Wrye Bash and did not create any patches - just Packed up the archive to the omod, and that's it. And that is typical - it works fine! This is a logical question - whether it is necessary to bathe with bash?=)
shooot =)))) ATO is not interested, and who her husband how do you know that you have the plugin working 100%?
although there is not =(
be able to describe how you're using obmm established, the ATO I have the game reinstalled and losses cheto installed via WB mod the game won't start
be able to describe how you're using obmm set
Unpacked the archive with the mod using OBMM omod created, hooked it up, after turned off the file Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp...and all.
then try, recently PlayStation show: tactical issue: the axis has passed, Lesse here on Nehrim hooked
Guys, we're so fucked up in the game. Massera and second stly black, what to do?