Red grid (Assassin's Creed: Origins)
Hi all. In one of the missions (need to find the guy who carried the beer and caught it) in the game you get this kind of mesh (for 8 hours of play this is the first such bug), someone such was, if so, how to fix?Vidyuhi not overheat? Maybe dust clogged? After a pause glitch is repeated or not?
Yes, updated
yeah, after a pause glitch persists, but it occurs only in this place, i.e. if you go up higher (on the terrain in the game), then this matrix vanishes.
PS the game is restarted and the bug was gone, maybe really vidyuhi overheating, but then why is this garbage only in a certain place?
because you have to write your config and press F1 and Pachacuti load and temperature ,it Chernova theme ,the first bells that valaska can repulse
660 Ti 2GB. Percents i7-3770, 16Gb RAM. about f1 in the game do not know. Thanks, I'll try.
in the game 82-84 degrees. No load 34-36 degrees. Do vidyuhi may be heated to 50 degrees from just starting the game OO
so it is a function of) the game turned on ,the voltage went ) critical temperature ,of course, but safe to call it impossible ,my 560 started to give artifacts at 87-90,but quietly worked on)
on 970 only when picked up ,is also warming up ,put a extra cooler on the body and the temperature around 70 at max load to 82 and so for almost 3 years .
Positi from dust ,open the case ,pull it from the heating system ,in short make it so that the temperature was lower and the pixels should be lost