How to defeat Kanatchikov [Is the answer!] (Assassin's Creed 3)
When the counterattack (E + space) doesn't work out in the next few items it is also impossible to throw.Maybe there's some key combination for punching?
no, no. have to stand next to the table (preferably in focus) and when you press his attack E then Connor hit it on the table. combinations NO!
combinations no no, the easiest way at least for me was, it contactabout being near wooden barrels.. and so few times. Drums, there will be enough for this))
and I have a question, I passed kanechika next was the merchant cannot defeat him!(((( somebody tell me how this son of a..for the win! I would be VERY grateful!ATP advance!
the counterattack when pushing it then hit a lying or flying it to your discretion
merchant need to drop to the ground is easiest to do by pressing the space bar. Of course not to wait when he will begin to beat, but a series of not letting him even to threaten.
can be even before the battle cause recruits (he did ambush nearby, other options not tried), though they do not help much, but it is possible to otheriwise when Cantcheck they peregrevaetsya and choose the time and place of the attack.
you can before you start a fight, call the recruits as bodyguards, will be from these small benefit - at least the rest of the left-wing bullies will not harass, and about the Merchant, he well worked leg kicks and sweeps, and do not give time to recover. by the way, if your health is low, you can depart, and yet will take the guard-recruits