Incredibly slow (Fallout 4)
Recently upgraded system. ( i5 2500k, gtx1060 6g, 8g operatives.)Decided to run falaut. Menu 30фпс if you choose to save falls to 12фпс when booting (in the game) consistently 1 frame. Tell me what's the problem?
Completely put wood on vidyahu, rozgoni percent to 4 Ggerts. Possible upgrade after you have switched on the xbox (DVR) to plant it system.
Acceleration from 3.6 percent to 4Ггерц will not help to raise the fps from 60 1кадра is acceptable. Wood pulled down and re-set, no results.
Well, put in priority the driver GTX. In the launcher also can be like choosing a GPU to do.
From the Nvidia control panel viberi run 3D applications using the graphics card and not the processor. Or roll the prededuschey game version.
In the panel NVIDIA, everywhere where it was possible to put a graphics card, I put the graphics card. The game itself has identified the video card and put ultra Settings.To be sure, even in device Manager, disabled the GPU of the processor. And nothing has changed)
can miner caught? check RAM before starting the game and after.(task Manager)
check CPU usage before and after.(task Manager)
and loading of the GPU before and after.(third-party software-type msi afterburner or in the task Manager in the latest build for Windows)
if you percent(0-20%), vidyaha(0%), RAM(1.5-3.5 GB), then look for a problem in the system or in the hard disk drive.
Slavik Karpenchik
KST, I suggest to really pay attention to the comments betasisko. I caught in the month of July miner. So, ate resources, games in which the maximum speed was playing up on the medium lag, despite the fact that miner really umnel over time. Deleted it sooo long. FTC, their contribution has made and Puget, he was referred to the forums Dr. web.
I think if this miner, the brake would be in all games. And retards only falaut, everything else is going great.