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Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20 06:35 pm

Fresh patches (Car Mechanic Simulator 2018)

The expectations for a new patch comes out to a couple of days. This theme is created for quick access to new released patches.

All released patches separately: [for version game v1.0.0 - use the cumulative patch]

Patches and changes v1.0.1 - v1.3.7 [RU/ENG]
- Fixed localization bug
- Fixed Splash screen for Poland
- Updated Sakura GT20 model
- Added mouse cursor in Main Menu
- small optimalization fixes
- Dutch language temporaty fix
- I6B engine bugs fixed
- V8 engine bugs fixed
- Polish translation fixed
- German translation game braking bug fixed
- Intercoolers thumbs and names fix
- fixed the Dodge Charger engine major bug
- fixed Dodge Challenger engine major bug
- fixed intro movies bugs on some configurations
- temporary disabled radio due to some windows libraries issues (we will work on that)
- Steam integration fixed
- double menu sfx bug fixed
- moving into customer car parking bug fixed
- interior toolkit fix / welder fix
- i6 downpipe fix
- broken rubber bushings fix
- oil cap fix
- parts dissapearing/glitching/etc fixes
CMS2018 v1.0.2 to v1.0.3 Update [16 MB]

- Fixes engine I4
- Fixes engine I4 4x4
- Fixes engine I6
- Fixes the rotary engine
- Fixed missing parts of the air filter V8 F store
- Fixed black screen when you visit the auction
- Fixed the error of buying cars from the auction
- Fixed bug when skipping the auction
- Added sounds at auction
- Correction of textures and materials
- Fixed bug with double purchase auto
- Improvements can be opened by selecting improvements
- Fixed error when testing
- Fixed duplication bug auto on the package
- Balanced prices for cars and spare parts in the shed
- Fixed a bug in the final training
- Small optimization
CMS2018 v1.0.3 to v1.0.4 Update [88 MB]

- Fixed welding machine
- Fixed the tool changes the interior
- Fixed bug, when the car fails to move from the depot to the garage
- Fixed bug with exit to the menu while moving the car in the garage
- Fixed a bug during travel of the machine from the depot to the garage
- Fixed upgrades for abilities
- Fixed front exhaust section of the engine V8 OHV D
- Updated all localization
- Improved the movement of the car from the Parking lot to the garage
- Fixed the action of the Esc key when you exit edit mode and interior mode mechanics
Lowers cars without wheels on the ground no longer available
- Registration number removed from the menu repair
- Fixed black screen on the test track
- Fixed display of details for repair
- Fixes in the logic parts repair
- Notepad is now available in setup mode
- Fixes the localization of the menu items
- Fixed repeating missions (which could lead to the need to start a new game)
CMS2018 v1.0.4 to v1.0.5 Update [88 MB]

CMS2018 v1.0.5.to v1.0.5 hotfix Update [81 MB]

- Fixed situation when repair the machine did not display the tools
Now the wheels are fine. No more message"no items to work balanced on the wheels some machines
- Fixed in-game DLC menu, which displays incorrectly installed DLC
- Fixes interface in the main menu
- Fix the intake manifold for Mazda RX7
- Fix the intake manifold for Mazda RX3
- Fix the air filter box for Mazda RX7
- Added tooltips on the learning screen
- Mayen M3 now has a 4x4 wheel drive 4x4 not the front
- Profile selection now does not return the selection list of profiles
- Replaced parts of the interior are now saved, so if you changed the handlebars or seat - the game will load them
- Fixed bug with black screen in different places (refers to screen parts of the interior)
- Performance optimization
- Minor changes in configuration of machines
- Fixed collision in the garage
- Fixed: Bouncing message about the update of the garage to level 2
CMS2018 v1.0.5 hotfix to v1.0.6 Update [84 MB]

- Fixed bugs with the oil tank cap and oil level gage
- Fixed string #berenicornis orders
- Added AutoSave after completing the order
- The shop added the rear muffler series E
- Fixed a rare problem with installing the wheels
- Fixed crash when selling the car
- Fixed game freeze when you press ENTER while joining group parts
- Now you can remove the oil tank cap and checking the oil using the crane
- Some parts must be disassembled before installation with a crane; now it works correctly
- The text description of the mission should now be displayed correctly (not out of scope)
Reset upgrades will no longer drop updates garage
- Fixed a bug with the sale of registration plates
- Now you can't move a parked car without wheels
- Fixed the sales price of certain items
- The name of the heads of the V8 engine OHV D fixed
- Fixed location relative to the Assembly and disassembly of the interior
- Fixed V8 OHV D
- Fixed behavior of screws of oil pan
CMS2018 v1.0.6 to v1.0.7 Update [88 MB]

- Added confirmation window to start a new game
- Added confirmation dialog to delete the profile
- Added the missing parts Salem Spectre
- Added missing parts for Sakura gt20
- State cap oil cap/oil dipstick/tube oil drain now will not affect the overall condition of the car and also displayed in the status window of the car
- Added new tire sizes
- Part of the body now can be fixed in the Studio (the maximum required repair skill)
- Game is automatically saved upon completion of the order (approx. lane I think was in previous patches)
- Corrections in interface and dump depot
- Fixed the absence of the latter the valve stem in the head engine V8 OHV D
- Removing the transmission is now possible without removing the drive shaft and front axle
- Fixed a bug with the front bumper GTR Royale
CMS2018 v1.0.7 to v1.0.8 Update [114 MB]

- Fixed exiting the game by pressing Esc in the menu group of the installation details
- Fixed exiting the game by pressing Esc in the menu wheel balancer
- Added missing parts Salem Spectre (again)
- Added missing parts Sakura gt20 (again)
- Updated the effect of surround light SSAO
- Added Portuguese language
- Fixed mission FMW Panther
- Fixed bugs with the bumper/wings Salem Flamo
- Fixes in the interface
- Fixed a uniform
- Fixed string #berenicornis in orders (approx. lane was)
- Fixed a bug where if you cancel the group setup parts are missing
- Minor fixes in the position of the engine
- Fixed exiting the game without saving
- Disabled console
- Fix the rear bumper and license plate from Royale GTR
CMS2018 v1.0.8 to v1.0.9 Update [81 MB]

- Fixed black screen after completing the order
- Fixed instruments measure the fuel pressure and tire tread
CMS2018 v1.0.9 to v1.1.0 Update [88 MB]

- Eleni Caliope is now available in the depot, auctions, the dump and the orders
- Returned to radio with some corrections
- Fixed bug with displacement in the location of the dump/garage/shed
- Fixed mission Olsen Grand Club
- In engines-added missing fuel filters
- In engines-added missing stubs
- Added a V6 engine
- Fixed black screen in room auction on the last screen of the machine
- Fixed two missions
- Fixed a small bug with the Hellcat body
- Fixed minor bugs with Dodge Challenger
- Fixed minor bugs with Dodge Charger
- Fixed the radial menu in the mode of painting
Now the radial menu available in the pause mode
- Fixed some bugs with localizations
- In auctions now displays the correct thumbnails of cars
- The cost of the car in the Parking lot is now calculated correctly
- The oil level/value of the dipstick/oil drain is no longer reflected on the status screen in the mode the survey
- Fixed minor bugs before ordering body shells
- Fixed incorrect location details
CMS2018 v1.1.0 to v1.1.Update 1 [90 MB]

CMS2018 v1.1.1 to v1.1.1 hotfix Update [80 MB]

- The store added a front exhaust section A (for V6 engine B)
- The store added a front exhaust section (for V6 engine B)
- Added the pipe to the intake i6
- Fixes in the V6 engine
- Added some missing collision map dump
CMS2018 v1.1.1 hotfix to v1.1.2 Update [18 MB]

- Fixed mission Bolt Reptilia
- Fixed the process of selling license plate
- Fixed bug with resetting the amount of money after training
- Changed balance prices on tires and wheels
CMS2018 v1.1.2 to v1.1.Update 3 [12 MB]

- Fixed welding machine (now it can be used to repair chrome parts, etc.)
- Fixed tool interior
- Fixed the location of the engine on the stand
- Fixed the size of the engine on the stand
- Fixed mission Bolt Reptilia (approx. lane sewn up already guys)
- Fixed mission Avalanche
- Fixed the plug in the V8 engine ohv 6p
CMS2018 v1.1.3 to v1.1.4 Update [78 MB]

- Added AZERTY
- Bolt Chapman now available in the Sheds, Dumps and Auctions
- Bolt Reptilia is now available in the Sheds, Dumps and Auctions
- Sounds of some engines updated
- Added missing starters on the i4 engines
- Fixed the position of the i6 engines on the stand
- Updated car model: Dodge
- Fix the rear lights Dodge Challenger
- Fixed vehicle parameters
- Fixed legend orders
- The result of work on welding and repair of interior is now permanent
- Improved search engine for the missing parts at the Dump, the Shed and Auction
- Fixed drives 100
- Balancing takes less time
CMS2018 v1.1.4 to v1.1.Update 5 [99 MB]

- Game optimization
- Graphics settings are applied properly, there is no need to restart the game
- Now you can't take an order if stand in the place of arrival
- Balancing the state and prices for the dump and sheds
- Added new engine I3
- Added new versions of cars (with different engines)
- Fixed alignment of parts, Mayen M8
- The body should now be calculated correctly (100% to 100% of the good parts of the body)
- Fixed the new engine, the sound seems to surround
- Updated the Polish localization
- Fixed inventory bugs
- Fixed a canister of adding a fatty oil on the v8 mag and v8 engines, with 6 points
- resolved double-exhaust problems
- Improved installation/deinstallation of the body
- You will now report on the missing parts of the body
- Fixed circle-fill time
CMS2018 v1.1.5 to v1.1.6 Update [446 MB]

- In the inventory button added Sell Stuff
- Fixed 2 point search at the Dump
- Added missing accelerator in the Dump
- Fixed issues with draining the oil
- Fixed a rare crash when the mouse cursor is on the car body
- Fixed drive shaft Mayen m8
- Added modification of Reptilia R2 SUPERCHARGED
- Added modification of the Panther SUPERSPORT
- Added the possibility of collision with cones in the Parking lot
- New engine more powerful than the i3 now
- Fixed a rare bug with the installation of a Steering
- Updated / skorrigirovanna story orders
CMS2018 v1.1.6 to v1.1.7 Update [12 MB]

- Fixed a problem with the radiator cap
- Fixed a bug with disappearing parts
- Fixed duplication of parts in the processing at the repair Desk
CMS2018 v1.1.7 to v1.1.8 Update [452 MB]

- Added mouse settings(sensitivity, acceleration, reversal)
- Fixed bug where the repair table is not updated as parts in the inventory
- Upon receipt of the order new cars have better condition than the old
- Fixed the flywheel V8
- Small changes in the rotary engines
- Added missing icons
- Added button to Sell
- Fixed a bug in sequence parsing car
- If the wrong orders data is automatically reloaded
- Fixed a bug preventing entering the Barn
- Fixed bug painting details
Icon welding equipment changed to original
- Body parts with group dismantling will not lose color
CMS2018 v1.1.8 to v1.1.9 Update [90 MB]

- Speedway
- Automotive interior
- Lock diagnostic tools engine
- Fixed problem when not all the inspected parts was presented on the information page of the car
- Balancing of bonus repair
- Changes in the modified cars
CMS2018 v1.1.9 to v1.2.0 Update [84 MB]

- Added missing localization on the race track
- Fixed bug where one car is under the ground
- Fixed a bug with the time dimension
- Updated the colliders on the track
- Fixed a bug with selling stuff
- Fixed bug with double-clicking ESC on the race track
- Fixed a bug with the movement of vehicles between a garage and Parking
CMS2018 v1.2.0 to v1.2.1 Update [26 MB]

- Expandable Parkings
- redone tire grip settings (beta settings)
- bolt chapman now available in barns, auctions and junkyard
- fixed inventory/warehouse various issues
- v6 engine fixed rotation on crane
- rust rims look fixed
- cars without licence plates (front or rear) now have proper body condition calculated
- fixed some language bugs
- added Greek language
- rusty cars from rusty junkyard stays when moving into garage or parking
- updated all languages
CMS2018 v1.2.1 to v1.2.2 Update [20 MB]

- fixed 3 missions
- fixed key parts browsing when installing parts group of
- fixed missing scroll bars in the junkyard and sheds
- fixed bug when game hangs when you have almost full parking and you want to buy more than 1 car in auctions
- cars are now closed after bought in auctions
- you cannot move car with different wheels on each side into parking now
- fixed some steering wheel errors when mouting
- v8 mag & 6p & i6 could be mounted on engine stand with the gearbox fixed
- fixed mouse cursor under dropdown list bug
- tire grip settings adjustments
- car physics adjustments
- bolt chapman back to orders, shed, auction and junkyard (this time for real)
CMS2018 v1.2.2 to v1.2.3 Update [222 MB]

- you can now install different benches (but same kind) in car
- car physics adjustments
- salem flamo mission fixed
- added garage door sounds
- no more piston rings hanging in air without piston
- added Finnish language
- updated Japaniese language
- added missing colliders race track
- i6 b thermostat renamed to fuel pump
- double sell bug fixed
- improved game save/load functions
CMS2018 v1.2.3 to v1.2.4 Update [16 MB]

- Spring Puller not working properly bug fixed
- fixed Rear Solid Drum umount order
CMS2018 v1.2.4 to v1.2.5 Update [88 MB]

- body parts are now listed in the part list menu
- missing body and mechanical parts are now listed in the part list menu (grayed out)
- fixed 1500 Smith speedo
- increased bolt length detection (easier to unmount the long driveshafts)
- left wheel bolt now unmounting in proper direction
- added new option in menu to not zoom into parts when mounting/unmouting
- the atlanta wheel fix
CMS2018 v1.2.5 to v1.2.6 Update [140 MB]

- Modding addon (modders can now add the mod into car parts shop (parts.txt))
- left wheels now unmounting bolts in proper direction
- updated mazda rx-7 model
- repair bench parts sorting
- fixed invent mouse
- added customizable banner in garage (place your logo there!)
- save small bug
- mission 6 fixed
- fixed problem when changing cap non cap rims into rims
- selling in fixed warehouse bug
- broken rims after loading game looked like new bug fixed
- small fixes in test track
- wheel bolts are now positioned properly with custom et
- updated model 1500 Smith
CMS2018 v1.2.6 to v1.2.7 Update [100 MB]

- Achievements unlocked
- fixed double shop items rare bug
CMS2018 v1.2.7 to v1.2.8 Update [188 MB]

- New bonus track
- V6 30 need to be mounted on crain engine without gearbox and pipes
- fixed locked up at lifter position
- fixed some Achievements
- Bolt Cape dials fixed
- When trying to install engine when engine bay is not empty - it will show what need to be unmounted
- brake pads are now examined by path test
- fixed the sell all button
- fixed some problems with car paiting
buying parking ui fixed
CMS2018 v1.2.8 to v1.2.8 hotfix 1 Update [103 MB]

v1.2.8 hotfix 1
- fixed new track starting position
CMS2018 v1.2.8 hotfix 1 to v1.2.8 a Update hotfix 1 [99 MB]

v1.2.8 hotfix 1 a
- fixed new track starting position
CMS2018 v1.2.8 hotfix 1 a to v1.2.9 Update [261 MB]

- Added new car versions:
Bolt Atlanta Trespasser
Atlanta F Bolt-Mill
Bolt Cape F-Mill
Chapman F Bolt-Mill
Bolthorn Grand Mojave Storm
Bolt Reptilia S
Chieftain TBX 2C
Katagiri Katsumoto xTEK
- fixed painting problems Mazda parts
- shop discounts bugs fixed
- sell all junk mouse hang bug fixed
- repair bench chance calculation reworked
- path test bug fixed (same brakes / susp conditions)
- achivement bug fixed
- tire threads now in good direction
- skill points calculation bug fixed
CMS2018 v1.2.9 to v1.3.0 Update [132 MB]

- fixed painting problems
- systems without proper video codecs should now run game without black screen
- inventory sorting font fixed
- changing tires back to the stock bug fixed
- engine crain with only 1 locked icon fixed
- single parts painting errors fixed
- chameleon paint on single parts fixed
- some License Plates redone
- choose car menu now have car version and color information
- added sfx Paintshop
- Paintshop-added particle fx
CMS2018 v1.3.0 to v1.3.1 Update [13 MB]

- black screen related to video codecs fixed - game will run without movies when detecting problems with playing the intro
- added 6p v8, v8 mag, 30 v6 oil pan penality for not draining the oil before taking it off
- order times are now shown properly
- engine stand is now called engine stand not engine crain
- liverie icon now shown properly
CMS2018 v1.3.1 to v1.3.1 hotfix 1 Update [80 MB]

v1.3.1 hotfix 1
- intro movies black screen fix
CMS2018 v1.3.1 hotfix 1 to v1.3.2 Update [350 MB]

- Inventory UI optimalizations (faster opening and closing)
- Car Status UI optimalizations (faster opening and closing)
- added new information about car frame and interior condition
- fixed small car value calculation bug
- changing camera description in paintshop
- fixed paintshop car positioning and fx positioning
- audio global volume now working properly
- updated some language files
- stiffness suspension reworked and added into car configs
- sorting options now visible in warehouse
- inventory in barns and junkyard have sorting now working
- max steering angle changed from 50 to 40 degree
CMS2018 v1.3.2 to v1.3.Update 3 [12 MB]

- Car Info small bug fixed
- Educated (instant examine) skill is now working
- Salem Flamo fenders can now be unmounted with bumper on
- Race Track - reduced car bumping up when driving near walls
- Car windows should be selectable now more easly
CMS2018 v1.3.3 to v1.3.4 Update [14 MB]

- Car Value skill is now working
- added sounds and fx to repair bench
- Car condition in Car Info bars are now colored
- Taking order in last second bug fixed
- ...
CMS2018 v1.3.4 to v1.3.4 hotfix Update [13 MB]

v1.3.4 hotfix
- Car Value skill is now working
- added sounds and fx to repair bench
- Car condition in Car Info bars are now colored
- Taking order in last second bug fixed
- ...
CMS2018 v1.3.4 hotfix to v1.3.5 Update [21 MB]

V8 OHV 8P MAG and fixed some parts unmount order
- no more Car Info icon on engine stand
- more various cars in Auctions
- you can now try to start car in barns
- Auctions title will now show proper car name with version
CMS2018 v1.3.5 to v1.3.6 Update [535 MB]

- custom video settings
- faster movement upgrade fixed
- localization files updated
CMS2018 v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 Update [129 MB]

- 35 new liveries for : Bolt Hellcat,Atlanta Bolt,Bolt Reptilia,Elenti Callope,FMW Panther Mayen M3, Delray Imperator, Castor Avalanche, Bolthorn Grand Mojave, Castor Earthquake, Earthquake Castor Rex Olsen Grand Club, 500 Smith1, Royale, Crown, M6 Mayen, Mayen M8, Emden Lotz, Sakura GT20
- bench repair parts are now always centered/rotated properly in preview window.
- condition calculation fixes
- repair cost bug fix
- barn parts cost fix price
- interior detailing toolkit clipping into wall fix
- quitting from auctions rare bug fixed
- save protection improvements
- showroom bug when you can seat in not loaded car fixed
- Olsen Grand Club bench appears in front fixed
Cumulative patches:

CMS2018 v1.0.0 to v1.1.0 AIO Update [280 MB]

CMS2018 v1.1.0 to v1.1.5 AIO Update [115 MB]

CMS2018 v1.1.5 to v1.1.8 AIO Update [800 MB]

CMS2018 v1.1.0 to v1.2.0 AIO Update [754 MB]

CMS2018 v1.2.0 to v1.3.0 AIO Update [380 MB]
CMS2018 v1.0.0 to v1.0.2 BAT Update [265 MB]

CMS2018 v1.0.2 to v1.0.4 BAT Update [107 MB]

CMS2018 v1.0.4 to v1.1.1 BAT Update [183 MB]
Latest patch:

CMS2018 v1.3.6 to v1.3.7 Update [129 MB]

- 35 new liveries for : Bolt Hellcat,Atlanta Bolt,Bolt Reptilia,Elenti Callope,FMW Panther Mayen M3, Delray Imperator, Castor Avalanche, Bolthorn Grand Mojave, Castor Earthquake, Earthquake Castor Rex Olsen Grand Club, 500 Smith1, Royale, Crown, M6 Mayen, Mayen M8, Emden Lotz, Sakura GT20
- bench repair parts are now always centered/rotated properly in preview window.
- condition calculation fixes
- repair cost bug fix
- barn parts cost fix price
- interior detailing toolkit clipping into wall fix
- quitting from auctions rare bug fixed
- save protection improvements
- showroom bug when you can seat in not loaded car fixed
- Olsen Grand Club bench appears in front fixed
Options update:

Option 1. Having version game v1.0.2, put patches in that order: 1.0.2>1.0.3, 1.0.3>1.0.4, 1.0.4>1.0.5, 1.0.5>1.0.5 HotFix, HotFix 1.0.5>1.06, 1.0.6>1.0.7, 1.0.7>1.0.8, 1.0.8>1.0.9, 1.0.9>1.1.0, 1.1.0>1.1.1, 1.1.1>1.1.1 HotFix, HotFix 1.1.1>1.1.2, 1.1.2>1.1.3, 1.1.3>1.1.4, 1.1.4>1.1.5, 1.1.5>1.1.6, 1.1.6>1.1.7, 1.1.7>1.1.8, 1.1.8>1.1.9, a total of 19 patches, with the continuation of the release of new patches.

CMS2018 [v1.0.2 to v1.1.9] [19 patch] (2.113 MB) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B63yV2DvxuXjMjRLQVphMTFlaTg

[v1.0.2 to v1.1.9] [19 patch v1]

Option 2. Having version game v1.0.2, put the patches in this order: 1.0.2>Bat 1.0.4, 1.0.4>Bat 1.1.1, 1.1.1>1.1.1 HotFix, HotFix 1.1.1>1.1.2, 1.1.2>1.1.3, 1.1.3>1.1.4, 1.1.4>1.1.5, 1.1.5>1.1.6, 1.1.6>1.1.7, 1.1.7>1.1.8, 1.1.8>1.1.9, a total of 11 patches, with the continuation of the release of new patches.

CMS2018 [v1.0.2 to v1.1.9] [patch 11] (1.583 MB) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B63yV2DvxuXjdjkyZWVVaUF6MlE

[v1.0.2 to v1.1.9] [patch 11 v2]

Option 3. Having version game v1.0.0, to put the patches in this order: cumulative patch 1.0.0>1.1.0, 1.1.0>1.11, 1.1.1>1.1.1 HotFix, HotFix 1.1.1>1.1.2, 1.1.2>1.1.3, 1.1.3>1.1.4, 1.1.4>1.1.5, 1.1.5>1.1.6, 1.1.6>1.1.7, 1.1.7>1.1.8, 1.1.8>1.1.9, a total of 11 patches, with the continuation of the release of new patches.

CMS2018 [v1.0.0 to v1.1.9] [patch 11] (1.662 MB) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B63yV2DvxuXjYzBzeGYyNXJhb0U

[v1.0.0 to v1.1.9] [11 patch v3]

Option 4. With the Repack version v1.0.4, put the patches in this order: 1.0.4>Bat 1.1.1, 1.1.1>1.1.1 HotFix, HotFix 1.1.1>1.1.2, 1.1.2>1.1.3, 1.1.3>1.1.4, 1.1.4>1.1.5, 1.1.5>1.1.6, 1.1.6>1.1.7, 1.1.7>1.1.8, 1.1.8>1.1.9, a total of 10 patches, with the continuation of the release of new patches.

CMS2018 [v1.0.4 to v1.1.9] [10 patch] (1.476 MB) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B63yV2DvxuXjeTJCaTdDUS04UG8

[v1.0.4 to v1.1.9] [10 patch v4]

Option 5. Having version game v1.0.0, to put the patches in this order: cumulative patch 1.0.0>1.1.0 cumulative patch 1.1.0>1.2.0, 2 patch, with the continuation of the release of new patches.

CMS2018 [v1.0.0 to v1.2.0] [2 patch] (1.034 MB) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B63yV2DvxuXjS2luMTRCZ2UwVFE

[v1.0.0 to v1.2.0] [2 patch v5]

Other Repack, whose version higher, respectively, to update the patch for the patch until a cumulative patch for You near version of the one above the rest. In the first embodiment, a possible problem with a previous save, which You will not have access to the map, namely, sheds, auction dump. Possible solution, create a new profile or use one of the codes. (Not a solution for everybody, the conflict is individual.)
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Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Would be better if they didn't start this, so will do like this, then the patches and again with a new project, because in the last two they have not flooded...

56Nexus 15.04.20

Understood, it was necessary to pour oil, not on the average level, and at the maximum... then everything is fine.

_B1aD3_ 15.04.20

Patch 1.2.1
Expandable Parking
- Tweaked the settings of tire adhesion (beta) z.s. I did not understand what it is
- Bolt Chapman is now available in barns, auctions, and landfills
- Fixed inventory\warehouse, a lot of problems
- Fixed the rotation of the V6 engine on tap
- Fixed the rust on the discs
- A car without license plates now has the correct body condition
- Fixed some translation errors
- Added Greek language
- Rusty cars out of the landfill remain rusty, if you move them to the garage or to the Parking lot.
- Updated all languages

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

He's not from a trusted source, as will appear, so just refresh.

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.1

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.2

Gavriil Gordeev 15.04.20

where is the patch then?

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Gavriil Gordeev
Attached is only the last released patch that came before him - look on the Internet.

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.3

Quatrod 15.04.20

1.2.3 not working, during the installation errors out, starts to roll back again with errors, and eventually the exe file of the game flies away without saying goodbye.

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

This has been discussed hundreds of times - be careful when installing patches, in the presence of such errors the only alternative, a full reinstall of the game.

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.4

attacking_beaver 15.04.20

only played at release, due to bugs and other hats it was impossible to play. now with all released patches to play normally or to wait another couple of months?

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

If You want to have a fun with other mods and restyling, it is better to wait.

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.5

Manul177 15.04.20

Well, why not write a list of hotfixes that ?

Body parts are now displayed in the parts list
Missing parts are now displayed in the parts list (light grey)
Fixed speedometer Smith 1500
Increased surface for pressing the parts (easier to dismantle the long propeller shafts)
Bolts left wheel is in the right direction
Added a new option in the menu to zoom in/zoom out the camera after the (de)installation
Fixed wheels Atlanta

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Be careful, everything is written.

Manul177 15.04.20

One item did not quite understand.
The missing parts are now displayed in the parts list (light grey) Thought that what is missing, now illuminated in the store. But I guess not.... who understand what it is, explain

Dazer_Ok 15.04.20

..... it is written LIST ITEMS

Elite_Dungerous 15.04.20

Added patch v1.2.6