Features satellites (Elex)
I suggest in this topic is divided into satellites features of HS that you have found.I've discovered a couple of features for drone CRONE U-4
1.periodically brings trash to our GG(usually after sleep)
2.So far, the only player who guesses indoors and at night, with no lighting to turn on the flashlight,which allows not to waste candles and more importantly-to free cell on hottah for something else
One very important feature of the Kaya(quest until it is completed-maybe then there will be more)
1.Shoots some sort of extremely powerful fireball that damage he inflict and the enemies scatter like children-they can't even climb(important that it is in the melee did not join-it's the most common)
Blue Cat
Kaya, not quite normal in melee. Her radioactive gun, so I better let it is a couple of lights allowed and is in the middle with me enemies to scatter.