Vlad Bogomolov1
16.04.20 09:22 pm
Why out of sync? (WWE 2K18)
Why out of sync?So playing online for 5 minutes and then it happens. How do I say my character is hitting the air,but this time I have instead of players includes bots.My PC supports wwe2k18 and the Internet connection I have is great.I followed the instructions on their website 2k.Did not help!Noticed another thing that I'm not the only player that suffers from this.In wwe2k17 I don't have.Help!1 Comments
SeT[H] [R]oLLiNs
Like I said, if DEADSHOT'and the new Internet will go resynchroni, then the problem is in the Internet. If you have a 100MB per second, it does not mean that you have 100 MB per second. Come on speedtest.net or beta.speedtest.net/ru and see how you get MB give.