Me hats enrage Jacob? (Assassin's Creed: Syndicate)
I do not know you but I really didn't like the idea of They with hats, and I would ask the modders to make a mod that removes hats with Jacob, what do you think??He looks like some redneck Gopnik in this tubeteika, he used more seeds the package and the voice lower
Alexander Plekhanov
All the ideas ran out of something to complain about, got to the hat. Here I terribly do not like your avatar , modernizing remove it.
And you thought in a fairy tale?) Assassins a long time ago dressed in the fashion of the time in which we live that are different from the rest, this is the whole point of stealth.
It's London,it is fashionable...the Pots are always in fashion,and Jacob is in itself a charismatic fashionista
pot,cylinder...not much difference)the fact is that it is fashionable,here I was at a wedding in the pot was
It's London in the Victorian era, then almost all wear bowlers, Yes the cylinders.
Stanislav Anatolievich
well, for me there is a difference .I hate hats and I hate that he wears a similar headdress. but against bowlers have nothing
Hats as it is not particularly annoying, but after the battle (several times), Jacob lost his hat glitch or the way it should be, don't know, but a fact. And lose the hat as in an ordinary suit, and I selected (the one which is similar to Sherlock HOMS)
It would be nice to make a choice of headgear, in unity was the same kind of customization clothes.
I agree,would make a selection of hats.And then only the bully or the clown in the cylinder.Well, even Sherlock Holmes,
I don't care about the headdress is supposed to be in 1868, only one me enrages that the hat is stretched over the hood of the assassin, or is this a bug, or it should be made would be th one either hat or hood, but this bug happens in stealth mode:(
Another bug when doing fast moving or where you still are on the train and always did the letter say to me freak fry please fix.