Not loaded the save (Watch_Dogs 2)
In General, does not load the save on toys,hanging the screen as the screen and everything does not want to work, toy pirates, create a new company, all loaded, and the old dear heart safe does not want to work, who a thread faced with such garbage?
Most likely,the game version does not match the version of your saves
how can this be? I did not shake the save game, the game this save game was made
That is the same game this save game was made that you can not enter?Early and the saves are?Or do you have one for the whole game?This perhaps may be?
you played Watch_Dogs 2? this is a toy that makes the saves on the principle of consoles, in some points, and there are three cells that you can choose to save each individual cell is a separate profile
in General, all this happened on the complement of watch dogs 2 no compromise in the last mission:( just a shame...blessed be 59% of the game completed
Similarly,there is a Jubilee.Same thing in assassin.Sorry.As a variant - to look on the Internet saves 50% of the transmission and replace it.Pirates is quite possibly the only way to save to find.The Jubilee usually saves in hidden folders
[Denis]I found a save from about the place where finished, so thank you bro, the topic can be closed