Indie games in 2017 - what they mean to you?
Indie games have long served games magazines as something new and unique, then began attacks on indie games and their fans, in the end, indie games have become evil and terror. They began to mix with the Amateur games, the term has ceased to be something concrete and today Indy takes probably 80% of the total gaming market.How do you feel about indie games, how to perceive this term and do not you think that in 2017 Indy became masters of the market?
Owners? It's not like. The ball is still ruled by large publishers. The success of individual indie projects - it's just individual achievement.
And Yes, now blurred the lines between the author's project, and the indie segment.
I was under the impression that indie games = mini games, i.e., minigames/small games, games, more, Amateur, independent from large software companies. Look more primitive than the larger projects (like Assassin's Creed/ GTA/ Resident Evil etc), but no less interesting, and the gameplay is there is paid special attention (not OK).
That is, these games are worthy of attention, especially if you respect old school )
I would compare Indy with the mobile market. quickly developing market volumes can and great
but each individual product is weak