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iamviktor 23.04.20 08:33 pm

Burning question (Diablo 2)

Hi all, smyslenno to impossible, BUT! I have a question. power wig, 5 times in a row Ural Hel rune
A good rune! a great rune! I have nothing against, but I want to ask. What is the mechanics of the loss of runes on our beloved server? Came across this happening before, sometimes the polls drops rune Io Bilet Ko.
Coincidence? Just interesting mechanics. 1/11 or something twisted! Again, I repeat, I'm not complaining, and certainly not asking for changes in the HF drop (in this post). The ADMINS will explain the mechanics of the drop runes from HF!!!
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Aler 23.04.20

the admins don't explain the game mechanics, it is necessary to study yourself.

The steep 23.04.20

Learn yourself

iamviktor 23.04.20

It's all clear! only, dear administration, please explain the mechanics of the drop runes from HF.

minovalo 23.04.20

5 times in a row
500 even used the break - and make sure the drop gul+, as expected.

Aler 23.04.20

I understand why I'm stupid, just explain why!

Herzeleidmann 23.04.20

perhaps a five-fold drop runes Hel has some sacramental significance.
for example, a Hel rune is essentially useless specks. apparently, translated from the nephalem Hel = why.
if you have one wire wig five times in a row the RNG loot God asks why, it can only mean one thing - even the game questioned your actions (e.g., driving wigs).

iamviktor 23.04.20

Dear, Thank You! That is the question read and then humiliate and insult.
Asked next Just interesting mechanics. 1/11 or something twisted! Explain the drop with HF???

Aler 23.04.20

The response read, dear)

Torum. 23.04.20

Something on this server is clearly rigged.

iamviktor 23.04.20

You evil man ^_^

Aler 23.04.20

I just twisted

redoolf 23.04.20

There is information that drop with HF depend on the IP from which came the mules.

Aler 23.04.20

If at the end of 777 - hum

gradusGl 23.04.20

spent 4 mule - drone mind.
here 1/11 some circumstances.
Although I noticed that the keys were less likely to fall from over 30 races on nihlathak 1 key

firkax 23.04.20

spent 4 mule - drone mind.
interesting question: if you count exactly all the runes, but do not count the stones, what runes would fall from 4 hell HF to the amount of accumulated exactly hum the mind, no more and no less? and if nm HF count?
strange, but it turns out hum we will not see here, if you think about it

gradusGl 23.04.20

Ko Um Gul Fal c hell hf dropped.

minovalo 23.04.20

Hz, falling as usual, and all of nil the most free (in terms of speed farm), if you know the enemy.

LifeSQL 23.04.20

spent ~500 mules, on average specifically if you take only hell HF, then came ~0.85 rumble. If you hold more NM Hf and account for the sale of stones, in this case I got a little more than gul
Drop with HF defies logic, and randomness. Forget)) to the Last drop 7*7: the first wig 3 drones, and then with 6 other wigs(42 mule) do nothing (no ist or gul), only mal-s fell several times.
How will free time, will bring 343 mule, and with a clean sheet will calculate statistics on them, we'll see. On time is not necessary.

iamviktor 23.04.20

Plus, he spent 500+ always scatter terrible. Just often polls fray rune Io rune and a Ko, a recent Неl proper, I was advised to ask, because many times raised this issue, about what the mechanics of the drop. 1/11 or something twisted. Another point, in General you know that the average 1х7 falls GUL at long range.

Thraex pig 23.04.20

Do you take into account exactly drop the runes Hum , or fold.If you take into account the very rune Rumble.She very rarely falls.I drop with the HF I think the total number of runes(but in the drones.)Now an average of 6 Drone with 49 mules.But I've had 3 That beat to carry wigs)knight I see no reason to beat.It takes an hour and drops Max Rumble+.During this hour there is 7мулов with HF.
And so , when just beginning to drive the HF to me, for me, was luckier.It was at least 8Гул.