Help tightly hangs krašit game (Dying Light)
Dear help to solve the problem. About 20 minutes after the start of the game, it hangs. Remains the picture and sound in the form of a rattle.The computer is brand new, virus-free. This is the first installed game.
Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7300 CPU @ 4.00 GHz 4.00 GHz
RAM - 8 GB
If you GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Regardless of the graphics settings in the game that happens (((
there is a game log. It was the last thing before departure. By the way several versions reinstalled did not help. Driver fresh.
{18:33:56.408} ERRR: [Parser] > Param 3 in function ItemSpawnerMesh() is not a string
{18:34:12.789} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:12.817} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:12.820} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:12.822} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:12.825} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:13.442} ERRR: [Dynamic] > [DynamicObjectsManager::ReplaceStaticByPtr] Simple object (id: 229906, mesh: 'crate_b.msh', skin: 'Default') already replaced!
{18:34:15.121} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:34:51.732} ERRR: [RestClient] > SendRequest failed. Unable to establish connection with server. Check you have a working network connection.
{18:36:00.716} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:37:46.118} ERRR: [Dynamic] > [DynamicObjectsManager::ReplaceStaticByPtr] Simple object (id: 43173, mesh: 'plastic_bottle_a.msh', skin: 'Default') already replaced!
{18:38:09.480} ERRR: [Dynamic] > [DynamicObjectsManager::ReplaceStaticByPtr] Simple object (id: 44208, mesh: 'fuel_can.msh', skin: 'Default') already replaced!
{18:38:37.199} ERRR: [Dynamic] > [DynamicObjectsManager::ReplaceStaticByPtr] Simple object (id: 42780, mesh: 'wn_log_d.msh', skin: 'Default') already replaced!
{18:38:45.897} ERRR: [Dynamic] > [DynamicObjectsManager::ReplaceStaticByPtr] Simple object (id: 43173, mesh: 'plastic_bottle_a.msh', skin: 'Default') already replaced!
{18:39:09.919} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
{18:39:09.922} INFO: [INFO] > >>>>> <1925623849> Performing save - mode
culy3t wrote:
Mechanics forever
I agree. Only later release a Repack. And Hatab, Nemos, will Vicnet, Glaser, Goob. ))) Great Repack them.
I do on the channel from Hatab. Constant updates of the Repack.
Mechanics, Khattab, nemos. Tried different Repack, it did not affect the situation
Besides playing such a critical error freeze was not. The event log draws that they were observed before? Do I understand correctly ? License key no. Himself to repair the Assembly will not, because New.
In the end guys what would you recommend ?
I then removed the driver program Revo Uninstaller, after uninstalling there is still the possibility to clean up the remnants in three modes, in a safe, average or enhanced mode I for middle mode, removed the remains and after the new driver did not want to install, telling me that I have no graphics card, the rollbacks did not help, had to reinstall Windows.
Alex Kayfoviy
I'm using Revo Uninstaller only remove the game, including the fourth paragraph. Here, try my version above. Download Driver Sweeper. They cleaned up, put a checkmark in the NVIDIA. A first through Windowkey udalenku. And then Driver Sweeper. A lot of drivers reinstalled.
PS after the bend is, after a reboot, you have my permission to expose, and all the heap will be.
Do you like kernel power event ID 41. Look here -
or here -код%20ошибки%2041%20kernel-power%20что%20это&clid=2236994&win=287&lr=10756
First try the easiest option. Blow the fuck experients, it does not always work adequately.
Direkth and reinstall the drivers on vidyuhi. In any case, update the driver on mother (if PC is a new nurse needs to complete to go the disk with fire wood). If it will not help with a probability of 90% - came off card. Likely to be due to overheating of the chip. Maybe the cooler is not working on the map, maybe not enough power (PSU is not drawn or the card with the socket of the jamb)...
In General, first try to understand, and then to iron go.
And if AT all going to be okay, but cant stay, take the stress test on the graphics card, for example, the program AIDA-64.
PS I like that this was true 10 years ago, maybe more... I Remember another agp Radeon was sitting.
Also, at first the game would hang, hung a picture of a couple of seconds, what with the hang of the sound, as if balap quickly the room spins then black screen and hung with a hovering sound until reboot button not sending...
In General, helped the reinstallation of all drivers (clean installation), what it all. That is on the card, and the mother, and updating C++, direct, etc. In General, a complete driver package.
watched the first a link to your article by mistake 41. The first point there about the sound card. Can I also that it is necessary to disable this (see screenshot attached)
There are many sites for this error. Look through poeksperementiruyte, but it's easier to reinstall Windows. Print on the printer the installation instructions, everything is very simple. First, you can surf the BIOS to see. Disassemble step by step installation.
Manual -
Giving away the store. They installed the system. Let the search for causes. I tried to find out what I could
chudodaniel wrote:
I can also that it is necessary to disable this...
Disable what you do not use - if the sound is through listening to through Realtek, disable nVidia and Vice versa.
I paid money for the software installation, drivers, etc. and they guarantee it.
In General, at the moment the situation is this - iron working. They tried another similar graphics card in this build, tried vidyuhi more power. Chased vidyuhi through the tests - everything works. Have reinstalled the OS and drivers. Everything works except this game. Is it to do with the Repack?
chudodaniel wrote:
...paid money for the software installation, drivers, etc. and they guarantee it.
What is the guarantee I can give on the job primary software: OS and drivers (if you bet), who will give a guarantee that you should run a pirated version of the game ?
friend-gramota, I wrote above that rocked Repack from 4 different authors
Comrade naramata, yet the fact that you downloaded the Repack normal. The reasons may be different, for example:
* Memory leak due to the curve version of the game (early, unpatched), or medication - I came across these.
* The drug has not been tested on your OS - engorda write the check, but not always.
* Unstable operation of the RAM on my first computer (still have tea was not collected by myself) game also crashes after a while with errors. Checked MemTest th - one of the straps was broken. After replacement everything was working fine.
* OS - curve build from Vasana can give surprises, especially if it povyrezali from it that is unnecessary.
* During the game, and bling for the overheating is not checked ? - c using Afterburner and put it on the screen information about the temperatures of the processor and graphics card, if you see a higher temperature, there is reason to think, especially if you didn't disperse.
* In the error you got:
...Unable to establish connection with server. Check you have a working network connection...
The net during the game were included ? if Yes, to run the game better disables it, especially for pirates. Or block the game with firewall. The game itself does not use functions associated with the network.
Friends, please help...I Bought a new laptop. 8gb, Intel core i7 7th generation gtx 1050, win 10. Such problem: in all games the fps is stable at 30. Changing settings from very low to ultra has no effect in any stable 30. Whether it is quite demanding dying light or not very crossout. Xbox DVR turned off in the app and in the registry, in the settings of nvidia is preoritety discrete vidyuhi. Clambered all, can anyone knows the solution? Monique the laptop 60Hz.