what to do with it (Diablo 2)
Generally the situation is this, today in the game pvp change rar ring at bk for Bo, and at this point killing me, BK remained in the hanging position, got BK is gone, and the corpse can not raise. Put vigor for page, the corpse was raised, but half of the armor there. 9 stuff no.8 Comments
no, the explosion of corpses only works on monsters and it is nothing to do with it
but the gear does not return,
better not to create questionable situations when power is not enough to armor himself dressed on the first attempt - there is a risk of losing him after rip
I am only concerned why the armor which requires 121+ left str and low str no. it's a pity cta with Thom
Olezha Buhalo
weird work stuff
I thought it triggered when something is put, and as it is replaced