steam_emu.ini (XCOM: Chimera Squad)
Can someone throw the file to the path 'steam_emu.ini' (XCOM Squad Chimera\Binaries\Win64) pliz? Not hunting to swing the game again.I looked in the game folder, but the file is not found.
And You have pirated or steam version?
You can make the files archive and the file archive download on Yandex disk, and make it public. And in this topic to share.
Congratulations, and if this file is to conduct a little, it is possible to fill in the files the game itself. That is to begin to slowly fill the game..
lost.viper wrote:
Why should it to the game to shove - if it's there :)
Just when I was looking in the game files I didn't find it. The screenshot above was posted.
And Yes, let's close this topic, won't write any more meaningless comments in this thread. The response is received, it's good.
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