Fatal error HRESULT=0x887a0006 (Resident Evil 2)
Har-ICA PC:FX8320
RX570 4gb
Kingston HyperX 16gb 2x8
HDD 750 gb
Is Win10 v1809, all wood obnovleny to the last, problems with the system no overheating, overclocking, and other problems too, not the error appears on both the API, which is 11 12 the direks.
Everything VIDOS and tips do not help, then immediately crashes then after a few moments, never even started the game.
Patrick Kharkov
My friend, this error means that you do not have enough RAM for a stable game, and from there the flight.
I did the same thing with my 4GB of RAM. I decided that question that way. I turned on the paging file on drive C, add another + 4GB of virtual memory, sacrificing the free space on the hard disk. And now my game no longer crashes, because in theory I run the game with 8GB RAM not real RAM. Well, you understand. So cut the page file to 4GB and the game you run without a departure. And if the flight still happens here and then and I even don't know what it is.