What are you reading at the moment? v.2
A collection of stories from the magazine Igromania, funnyAdventure Xenobite, Banzai.
Beta testers - a series of short stories Ghost
A collection of short stories from the series Teknotika - Legends of the wasteland
Mashenka Nabokov mixed with Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald and figley, the main story thread - similar...
All fans of fantasy suggest the series of books Terry Goodkind "Sword of Truth"
The movie on the books (though the books in detail ) Legend of the Seeker
Very interesting.
Robert Louis Stevenson Kidnapped.
Interesting story.Pirashanna story that happened in reality.Interesting to read.True hapisga before the story from all the main places open.
Game of Thrones procitana, but already Battle of Kings read :3
Can't get enough what a masterpiece.