About hard and soft (Diablo 2)
Hello everyone=)Was in chat. It happens sometimes, because I play in 1 window. without locomotives, etc. On hard OFC. The habit of youth.
Someone from software wrote that knocked вт49. Immediately began to sell for vex. Then for OC. It's the details.
The point - when I wrote that software players like dirt and it is not surprising that drop more - poured buckets of shit.
Damn, I'm 5 days games beat 2 Sol and IO. This is from runes.
About the storm silent - it's all a coincidence. On the 2nd day it started. True today 2 marrowwalks.
You top pitchery, keeping mum when you just merely pointed out that you more, and loot, and just more.
Jah has someone fell. This is normal.
You breathe like flies, and don't believe it for a rip.
Play on hard. Get dressed. Even with your locomotives and multimulti.
Feel like real fathers, not a chat-traders.
My eyes hurt to read the chat. Not played for several years, and it's all the same=)
Just be people.
All SPS.
You just don't master the trade, like someone's forcing you to play on your hardcore 1 ppl lol
hard PVM, the soft - pvp. 1 ppl is a lie - there is almost always possible to find a pair celikov to the party - and most do not. However it was keen to search Ferguson the secret of eternal life.
Yes, and here it is=) It is clear that on hard there are people and sometimes 8 ppl going to BRS.
Just writing about that in the software where more people and more drop respectively, sound like captain obvious, got in his address a bucket of slops.
That was very offensive.
And about the pvp and PVM - Yes you are right, 95%.
Just top top pitcheri such that on hard they would even fornication Moore not out never.
Calm down, no your hard not necessary. Who needs, has long been playing.
Just top top pitcheri such that on hard they would even fornication Moore not out ever
Our already bent your there, on HC. Under the rules of the fair when you register. All clearly and honestly. So no, I don't know. And most importantly, after these bold here pvp when Chashnik lost expensive armor, hasnike the server stavan. Are these events or not is not known. But to call any of us to go out there and propagate your ranks - not the best idea.
First, I doubt that at least one will be a challenge.
Secondly, if you will, I doubt I'll play it honestly. Not run away at low HP.
Thirdly, cook Persian for 1-2 duels - not the most sensible pastime. Although, most likely they will be prey to exchange for runes of SK, but this is not accurate.
And fourth, to trample Pummice not quite worthy. One thing Pakasit on software Hbrowse meat for fun, where the player except Golda nothing loses; it is quite another to undermine a bunch of garesnica to take his last Enigma.
T-Fox wrote:
And fourth, to trample Pummice not quite worthy. One thing Pakasit on software Hbrowse meat for fun, where the player except Golda nothing loses; it is quite another to undermine a bunch of garesnica to take his last Enigma.
This deal only on HC rats. I want to declare itself in such KACH-ve - feel free to come. Only I will have to disappoint Ananiah and procentami to open khbr you're unlikely to meet anyone - all they tend to farm in private games.
Swing on HC is not difficult to play too. In principle, you can even bundle****camping - I went in first season on HC and PC barn the game diablo pls pls help with the infector and a couple uniques and entourage on the trip - most importantly choose the right BUILD!
EEH, conductive there's probably even a portal to the barn at AFC trades are not open :C
The boy, written by you it makes us seriously question your ability to understand what they read. Either fully read.
Specially for you one more time hold that the idiomatic comparison"as mud" means something or someone somewhere a lot more. In this case, means that the software people more than on hard. And in no way means that I anyone compare dirt.
Although it is written in the start of this topic (it would be better not write anything, really).
It seems so weak and success in learning, while transition to distance learning in connection with the mythical coronavirus threaten you with total degradation.
But hang in there, I really hope that this will not happen.
ya ugaray s hcwnikov kotorie dymayt 4to bogi d2, ka4nytsa, odetsa i ypast voobwe ne ne sostavlaet nikakix problem, a pro pvp na hc ya vawe ory, kak 4elovek kotorii bil vsy jizn mobov, ymet mojet igrat pvp, obiasnite?
3m3m wrote:
ka4nytsa, odetsa i ypast voobwe ne ne sostavlaet nikakix problem
All fall down, sooner or later, under certain circumstances. In this joke. So the whole season to skate at all without rips it must be very lucky.
duck even course never ripoles dressed Persians. Which party died yet on normal duriel :DDDD
Nevertheless, we have the gear to pick up. The Enigma with the Phoenix Sorka hardly a long papermill.
If PVM then HC, if VFR - soft.
3m3m wrote:
ya ugaray s hcwnikov kotorie dymayt 4to bogi d2, ka4nytsa, odetsa i ypast voobwe ne ne sostavlaet nikakix problem, a pro pvp na hc ya vawe ory, kak 4elovek kotorii bil vsy jizn mobov, ymet mojet igrat pvp, obiasnite?
How often do you drop from the mobs in the software?
you just think of your mother here so you have something to compare, and will be overwritten for "idiopaticescoe expression"
maybe you'll understand
although unlikely
The theme is pushed a little different. We are not talking about that HC guys know how to play pvp, and the fact that SoftConsole Sasse challenge. It's not all about skill, it supposedly about courage. But, for some reason nobody talks about the fact that HC is also the challenge that no one will leave/will not accept, except, maybe, the same type of player softcore pvp, which bored skidded hard to the mortal world.
In my memory there was only one desperate type who is constantly throwing the challenge to all is daho. Nothing good, of course, is not over. But the existence of such a player was worth to mention.