How to remove the lock settings? (Grand Theft Auto 5)
I have quite a weak clip and her current 512MB of memory because of this GTA swears all the time when I'm trying to change some settings and tells me that is supposedly lacking video memory but I see that the clip is not even out of breath and then the clip pulls just the game does not give settings to change. my question is how to remove this lock? I would at least screen resolution to raiseHakerMaster
Removed the lock only for denyushku, buying a normal graphics card.
The screen resolution will require more graphics card which is simply not present.
Here is the manual how the settings manually to register.
Relevance health is not guaranteed.
First: with 512 MB running in General is not guaranteed[Minimum requirements for the game is 1 GB VRAM] so thankful that it works at all.
And secondly: On your place I would not began poking at the settings and tried to play on those that is, until not update the hardware.
and to be honest the weakest part of my PC is Thu OU me is the hdd instead of ssd and vidyushka
The game is optimised better than GTA4.
Have MaddyMurk there are a bunch of commercials where the game runs fine on ancient hardware.
Try in the game not to go into the graphics settings, they can fly.
I got it from the CSN finally the game rules played in the current must-have the shadow cut and then all servigliano white
There are plenty of guides on tweaking the graphics of the game, Google. And they are all relevant for GTA4.
Not suggesting,but I recommend,as your vidyuhi even under the minimal salary is not suitable.
No,of course you can at your own risk all settings to twist as it suits you,but if something then fails,it will be solely your fault.
PS: like the game But I understand you came for something that I honestly wrote that your vidyuhi even under the minimal salary does not fit the system requirements?)