error direks (Arma 2)
when you start the game here's the error POPs up vindus 10 license from stim353Accord353
by the way I purchased supplements with operacia armored and day z maybe if these additions set the game to run?
this is the error (input) possible conflicts joystick - disable the joystick, well, or dostanova directx8 ( it is not included in Dx11 on win 10 )
what I found 8 direks and the joystick is not connected still this error knocks
switched off while reinstalling the antivirus. Go into the System 32 folder (located on the system drive), and also in the Syswow64 folder, and delete files there that will have the names d3dx9_24.dll and d3dx9_41.dll. After that fully remove DirectX and reinstall DirectX again fully
generally this is an internal error Windows, you can still go with prog registry cleaner ccleaner for example
generally the game needs to be a folder \CommonRedist DirectX from it and should be laid down DirectX - suspicious that requires Dx8 - it seems to do the same conflict with the device which works on the old wood under this API, it is possible that the antivirus has blocked
get in line - dxdiag, to run dxdiag.exe -for the diagnosis of directisa -screens throw