Homosexuality in the game (Dragon Age 2)
It is very strange that in the game man hawke, with Fenris maybe easier to make love than with Merill. Maybe 50% of the Biovar become... what?And to sense from this of import? A couple of minor quests, and a few equally unimportant phrases.
And to rule there a lot of things right and besides import...
Oh yeah. Bugs with the friendship of Isabella and Sebastian bug with rivalry Anders at the end of the game, bugs with discussion by members LEE Hawke, the bug is with Merril in the third act, and impossible quests in the third act, too, many bugs with the novels... And that's just what I can remember offhand.
If the patch does not fix the import saves, then play on I do not see sense :(
Well ,I'm not particularly nadeyus. Can YOU imagine how many options could be done in DAO?!/ I don't think BW able to consider all the options. They themselves are confused :)
Themselves evil Pinocchio.) It was not necessary for hearts to stick.))) Oh and this is without the presence of the novel just does not happen.
Haha%) and the right! To happen, you need more than one conversation to survive :))
Speaking of edits and bugs. The question arose about the localization of the first part, if anyone knows what's going on here, unsubscribe, please, in the relevant subject: http://forums.playground.ru/dragon_age_origins/578808/?p=2#682085
As you say. four times of the particles are not.... if you count rasshifrovat - get I am.
The memory of takanohana and geoportal dedicated....))
And then they wonder why these men do not go....)))
I went over the comment about an ex-Kamenolomni and evolution of the locals XD
In General, really - particularly unlucky guys playing DA2 male Persians. Female Persian more or less - at least gay among the satellites not visible. And offer pastime from elf of easy virtue from Roses and Zevran look at least normal. And for mujskogo... ahem... Yes, and women sapartini full atas.