Interstellar travel (Stellaris)
Do you remember how in the very first version of the game worked hyperdrive?Must-have departed from any point of the system!
So....who knows-is there a possibility for a new version of the game to bring back that old feature of the engine?
Or maybe there are mods that actually allow for any type of engine to go into interstellar space with any point system/new types of engines?
create a text file---------------- 08_utilities_drives
and it
utility_component_template = {
should_ai_use = no
key = GOG
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_3
icon_frame = 1
power = 17225
cost = -33
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 9
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 222
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
ship_armor_mult = 7591
ship_shield_hp_add = 999999
ship_shield_regen_mult = 7802
ship_tracking_add = 77
ship_evasion_add = 766
ship_hitpoints_mult = 44
ship_reparation_speed_mult = 10.0
ship_weapon_damage = 0.1
ship_fire_rate_mult = 11
ship_sensor_range_mult = 1
ship_evasion_mult = 11.0
ship_auto_repair_add = 900.0
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
ship_anomaly_fail_risk = -1078
ship_anomaly_research_speed_mult = 5098
ship_emergency_ftl_mult = -99
ship_weapon_range_mult = 525
ship_combat_speed_mult = 1
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
science_ship_survey_speed = 222
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
research_speed = 1100.0
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
science_ship_survey_speed = 222
ship_weapon_range_mult = 525
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
ship_combat_speed_mult = 1
ship_anomaly_fail_risk = -1078
ship_anomaly_research_speed_mult = 5098
country_engineering_tech_research_speed = 100.0
country_society_tech_research_speed = 100.0
country_physics_tech_research_speed = 100.0
category_biology_research_speed_mult = 100.0
category_statecraft_research_speed_mult = 100.0
category_industry_research_speed_mult = 100.0
category_materials_research_speed_mult = 100.0
tile_resource_engineering_research_mult = 100.0
tile_resource_physics_research_mult = 100.0
tile_resource_society_research_mult = 100.0
all_technology_research_speed = 1100.0
category_computing_research_speed_mult = 11
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
research_speed = 1100.0
ai_weight = {
weight = 0
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
----------------------- and throw syudy\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Stellariscommoncomponent_templates
to receive a warp engine - the rest is bonus which can be removed ------- at the company such is not present ----- he's given since the beginning of the game and the save works but must choose handles ----- the name of GoG ----icon of the 3rd warp engine --- and learn Nitsche inappropriately
it will be so instantly runs true through the entire galaxy\\\\\\\\\\\ the current warp drive and have to start a new and at creation of the race to put a warp flights --------- if you change This line ---- prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_1 } -------- (imnno which is responsible for unlocking modifitsirovannoi things )---- in this case, warp flights ------- replace the line at such options ------ prerequisites = { tech_hyper_drive_1 } -------Hyper -------\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\----------OR------- prerequisites = { tech_wormhole_generation_1 } and wormholes -------- in General, the choice of which technology star flights sidish this and put and it will work even in the preservation of
forgot to add ------ with warp drive turned out to make so the ship instantly went into flight and not dragging on Cary the edge of the system ----- why with the other Hyper and servotechnika engines are not so I do not know che still tried hard dobratsya to the edge and then the current can take off through the entire solar system
OK thanks!) here are just some of the lines is responsible for the instantaneous jump to warp from any point of the system? Just created a custom engine without all the pieces of the bonuses) and I want to and rivals could go to warp whenever you want)
utility_component_template = {
key = DOD
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_3
icon_frame = 1
power = 25
cost = -33
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 9
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 222
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
00_utilities_drives ------------ in this text file all the engines to each add
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 9
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 222
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
-------------------------------------------it should work
But in these lines you wrote only the speed of the fly,motion,radius,speed, reset cool down. But the fact that allows you to fly from any point in the system,without moving to the edge-no.
I have a engine with such iMovie settings,but it doesn't give him ulitity from anywhere in the solar system(
the whole point in the preparation of the flight and which parameter I can't recall but that it earned it is necessary to inflate and then instantly goes
checked these lines ---------------------- if you do not inflate it does not switch instantly ------- and working unfortunately the current warp and psi --------------engines
but to try to find the setting that's all to take these engines to search through then maybe it will become clear in what place written permission to fly from
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 9
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 222
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
That is, if you inflate, then go into the flight though being close to the planet in the system?
that's right------I I from the sun can start anywhere in General ----------- hmm the option to have all used these engines ----- put a new game and allow the current warp technology to move all races --------- Eee that is important it is necessary to prescribe for 4 digitala all warp and also for the psi as the psi engines use by default, all of a faded Empire
here you are ready and everything works \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\------------ replace all in -------00_utilities_drives---------- the fact that the bottom and all the sliders psi and warp instantly pass though where ------- and starting with the technology first warp flight 3 Corvette will immediately be able to jump just like anywhere else
# Icons set here are the ones show in the actual slot.
@ftl1 = 5
@ftl2 = 10
@ftl3 = 15
@ftl4 = 30
@power1 = -5
@power2 = -7.5
@power3 = -10
@power4 = -10
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_empty_ftl_drive
icon_frame = 1
power = 0
cost = 0
should_ai_use = no
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
component_set = ftl_components
utility_component_template = {
key = WARP_DRIVE_1
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_1
icon_frame = 1
power = @power1
cost = @ftl1
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 2
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 22
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
ai_weight = {
weight = 1
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
upgrades_to = WARP_DRIVE_2
utility_component_template = {
key = WARP_DRIVE_2
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_2
icon_frame = 1
power = @power2
cost = @ftl2
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 2
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 22
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
ai_weight = {
weight = 2
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_2 }
component_set = ftl_components
upgrades_to = WARP_DRIVE_3
utility_component_template = {
key = WARP_DRIVE_3
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_3
icon_frame = 1
power = @power3
cost = @ftl3
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 2
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 22
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
ai_weight = {
weight = 3
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_3 }
component_set = ftl_components
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_hyper_drive_1
icon_frame = 1
power = @power1
cost = @ftl1
ftl = hyperdrive
ai_weight = {
weight = 1
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_hyper_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
upgrades_to = HYPER_DRIVE_2
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_hyper_drive_2
icon_frame = 1
power = @power2
cost = @ftl2
ftl = hyperdrive
ship_modifier = {
ship_windup_mult = -025
ai_weight = {
weight = 2
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_hyper_drive_2 }
component_set = ftl_components
upgrades_to = HYPER_DRIVE_3
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_hyper_drive_3
icon_frame = 1
power = @power3
cost = @ftl3
ftl = hyperdrive
ship_modifier = {
ship_windup_mult = -0.5
ai_weight = {
weight = 3
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_hyper_drive_3 }
component_set = ftl_components
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_wormhole
icon_frame = 1
power = 0
cost = 0
ftl = wormhole
ai_weight = {
weight = 1
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_wormhole_generation_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
### Jump drives
utility_component_template = {
key = JUMP_DRIVE_1
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_jump_drive_1
icon_frame = 1
power = @power4
cost = @ftl4
ftl = jumpdrive
ai_weight = {
weight = 4
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 2
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 22
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_jump_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
upgrades_to = PSI_JUMP_DRIVE_1
### Jump drives
utility_component_template = {
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_psi_jump_drive_1
icon_frame = 1
power = @power4
cost = @ftl4
ftl = jumpdrive
ai_weight = {
weight = 5
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 2
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 22
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
modifier = {
fleet_emergency_ftl_min_days_mult = -2100
ship_speed_mult = 300.30
max_speed = 121
acceleration = 221
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
prerequisites = { tech_psi_jump_drive_1 }
component_set = ftl_components
utility_component_template = {
hidden = yes
size = small
icon = GFX_ship_part_warp_drive_3
icon_frame = 1
power = @power3
cost = @ftl3
ftl = warp
ship_modifier = {
ship_ftl_warp_range_mult = 1.0
ship_interstellar_speed_mult = 0.10
ship_winddown_mult = -3
ai_weight = {
weight = 3
class_restriction = { shipclass_military shipclass_constructor shipclass_colonizer shipclass_science_ship shipclass_transport }
#prerequisites = { tech_warp_drive_3 }
component_set = ftl_components
You just have to understand what a joint.
Tried to do it on a custom engine from the game stargate -, in default voila!) thank you!
Listen,do not prompt-if the speed of interstellar travel and the speed of movement within the system to reduce (make it almost as default)-the effect will remain? The trip can not verify(
VOB are searching for you can try to leave everywhere current the following lines
ship_winddown_mult = -333
ship_windup_mult = -333
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ then kind of like to jump and, moreover, the speed will be according to the standard of everything else
---------- and the engine of fashion is easy to redo just go to the archive, find the skins perepechi and delete from archive engine standard in its place throw perepisanye and all will work ------ stargate mod itself I use----- rewrote the ZPM Yes there weapons websam all just
In General he arrived, he began to check the parameters... the salt in the parameter acceleration sublight movement
If it is clear-is not working, it flies. With the game mechanics allows you to visually not so quick to move the ship,but technically it's on the edge of the map,the researcher almost instantly in orbit and studying and so on)