repainting pictures (Devil May Cry 4)
looking for someone to help me finish the modall you need is to repaint the picture
you need to repaint
1) hair in white
2) clothes 2 screenshot
(this is needed for the fact that in the selection of the costume display the costume) that is replacing icons
help somebody just draw badly
and I want to find inside the game file is responsible for icons if I can find something to make the buttons the pc or ps4?
from all that left only the icon to be redrawn from a black-haired Dante will not be a trace I was even in library mode replaced the suit
that's the way the picture you want to repaint
in prototype there is a picture with red-and-white cloak
and in icon the picture you want to repaint
Find some proskorovskogo artist, pay him and he'll draw) Because I doubt that anyone here need to work on not interested in principle the mod... although if you really long to wait, and then you might get lucky :D