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Arch0707 01.05.20 06:22 pm

How to get rid of subsidence fps in the game? (Mass Effect: Andromeda)

People are such a problem on any setting of the game drop frames.60 frames sec using 12.The biovar and DAI was also on the first patches.All at a low and a slide show.Can someone Ismailia from this problem?
[email protected] gtx titan 12 ddr3 HDD 10 TB Seagate BarraCuda Pro
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byteme 01.05.20

All wrote, and then write off the quality of the grass and landscape with ultra to high. Profit.
And after changing the settings restart the game.

Kovboy belomor 01.05.20

Genom1994Уважаемый and at what here envy,I downloaded it,the problems I have.If only sometimes appear colored squares.Yes, the shadow consists of the same black squares only.This is not a problem pirates.And the plot in the third the reapers were all in prevosoli reapers,here chum all prevresult in kets.Came Yes new Tuchanka and abandoned.Now let's not get emotional,you paid two thousand, and received.As it is the correct marriage.In five years we could all be sanded?But they sneeze on you,on me they are important to stick denovo.And then not to work on the bugs.AND UPDATE DENOVA.Do you think they players are normal?

TimKar 01.05.20

the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Here I totally agree with you. Just me so driven. But I wouldn't say that the game is very bad. I have it on 7.5 points would be appreciated.

lock10100 01.05.20

I did not pay attention to the tab the video outputand set up the schedule.Played with VSYNC and triple buffering,and podlagivala in the fighting.Cost disable them and flew.

MagicHero 01.05.20

Conversely, I always play with plane and Andromeda vertikalka and triple buffering is. With them just lag and not because the fps is locked at 60.

Antey1 01.05.20

Most interesting is that disabling triple buffering, except that vanished sagging, and the graphics got better...

fLaMaster 01.05.20

And then, if there is not enough capacity of the system drops sharply to 30, yeah.

MagicHero 01.05.20

What 30? with adaptive, there is no such plane, if the fps will be say 55 that cuts off the plane at the time of drawdown. And if you put a plane fast which recently made it there and delay in management was removed i.e. the game is played as no rifle but it breaks image no. This is for those who have noticed vatnost in administration, with the inclusion of the rifle.
Antey1 wrote:
Most interesting is that disabling triple buffering, except that vanished sagging, and the graphics got better...
Not write nonsense and maybe even the weather and the street making the graphics prettier because triple buffering is just to store the trained personnel. It generally any side to the chart has nothing to do.

Parikollo 01.05.20

Already wrote in another topic.
Also faced with the problem of subsidence fps (i7-4770k, gtx970), all recovered in a very strange way - in the BIOS removed the acceleration percent ,cut down the acceleration some, the swap file was removed, then re-set the paging file ,back all the acceleration and suddenly lost all drops on the Nexus and ease. Before this on medium-high dropalos to 12-14 personnel ,now below 30.
Anybody with similar did not face? Trying to figure out what I sobsno did to missing the joists with Framatom =)

Rex Dark 01.05.20

PC is not for games give it to me buy a console, you can thank not say I am generous!

lock10100 01.05.20

Does anyone know why do this at all,there is no difference when playing on low and high settings of the column?
I.e. turn off all sorts of powerful splash type Vert.sync.,train.buffer. and other play,then turn it on and the difference in FPS is not observed.T.e. as if the game doesn't apply the settings and the configuration file is not overwritten.

Slipnot6 01.05.20

This happens when the percents did not pull, it touches all the process of the game, and until the full load of the graphics card just case comes, bootlicking called.

lock10100 01.05.20

Slipnot6,weird because in task Manager the game does not ship percent higher than 30%.

Slipnot6 01.05.20

Well, who is now the load Manager looks? Put msi afterburner and see the load in real time on the processor and card. Would have written at least some model of percent...

lock10100 01.05.20

The time came,put the Afterburner.Checked.Almost the same thing.RTSS shows CPU usage ~ 36-42 %CPU i7 4770 3,4.
But the download of the video 100%.Old gtx650.But still 100% on low and high settings and fps here and there in district 30.

Slipnot6 01.05.20

Well, if low is 100% the graphics card is loaded, and that means not stalling, it is necessary to change, or to swing ultrapresence configs for the game. Optimization biotvari fucked completely, so there is no options. A percent you normal, just have to config the PC was written, would understand much faster.

KanoVoxLian 01.05.20

[email protected] gtx titan 12 ddr3 HDD 10 in this bucket sags,there is clearly something wrong,and the other as works, too, right?