Collectibles (Titan Quest)
things running complete-collected who ? what interesting things are added from their Assembly ? all you need to collect or bonuses start from two and more ? at the moment (level 27)there are three things from three different sets rarely come across .. damn :( ! makes sense to keep them ? given the relatively small amount of inventory and no chesthi people, can anyone dare to break records in the subject of the MOST POWERFUL THINGS
A set of jade is also good, smotritsa. Little green men!!! Found a helmet, Bracers, greaves, armor. Someone tell the onion should look for jade and Imperial Bracers (yellow things in black-and-red striped)
All rides blue things, those which have not signed the bottom, nothing epic.
Hmm, then cool out))) Found a shitload of epic stuff on normal.
Do me a ring of a Gladiator, would like, look in the theme of purple clothes, so it's purple and it has something else. Together they form a set. Purple.
Mdaaa, so everything is a little more difficult... Perhaps there are legendary sets....
And English is called?
let stsylku (if any) where you can see all sets sets (and the bonuses from them) and all the runes (the ones that drop from monsters, which are to improve the things needed).
And yet, for the life of me can not understand where you take SUCH things for 30 lvlu? Especially on Telkine something go? I have 30 LVL only two blue (found, of course, more, but they all were useless for me), the other green. ALL green store-bought (those that find, much less my). Only play in single player, maybe in this case?
Sets of clothes there are blue and purple, but always have satovich of the items below is a list of what you need for a complete set. It says here that green stuff is better - no way. Although weapons can increase damage ,so many bonuses on purple even with the runes green stuff not the channel.
Wash the most rocking set of a set of Tartarus. He's against titanov 10% in each of the 4 things and ische stikine resistance 40% (I have yet Toko 3 things.Week beat legendary Typhon leggings)very rare set and the most beautiful.