endlessly screen saver in your career (WWE 2K17)
after a long career of downloads have reached the career menu. 1 after the screen saver goes on forever .it end and then starts again.how to get around this bug ?give me a save after that glitchnpizpak
Install the latest patch for the game
can help patch fixes a lot of bugs !
Vlad Friends
on the PC, it just 1.rocked by different people with different weights with different tablets from different sites.the game on minimum settings is fine. passed hall of fame fully, the universe a long way
how to transfer save from 3DM to save from the codex.and where the preservation from the codex
Then I have no idea why career does not work send me your save
I try to play one battle if it's okay to throw off you save !
not as save do not work after overturning sopranos the game gives an error that the save is corrupted create a new one !
Vlad Friends
this is bad and why when you start the game with weights of 45 gig with a tablet from 3DM, the game runs a lot longer than codex even though the game goes without brakes