The withdrawal of money from Steam.
Good afternoon. I happened to have an unpleasant situation: by refilling the account with a card on Yandex.Money, and found that my wallet neojidanno frozen(can't transfer money to a Bank card and other wallets). The trick is that to razgorodit, I need to enter the data of the Russian passport. All anything, but I zhvu in Belarus. For no Russian method of identification done too badly: you need to go to representatives of Yandex, apply, then wait 10 days... Well, suffering a lot. I decided to just find a photo of the passport of the Russian Federation and enter it. With 20 attempts, I was able to do it, but Yandex said check data. I, fearing for 3700 rubles on the wallet, decided to merge the money where at all possible. Well I turned up the Stim. Payment went smoothly, so here's the thing: I do have the Incentive are not going to buy.Question: can I withdraw money from my account on the Steam card if I paid with Ya Drive?
Spoilerly tip: never use the services of Yandex. Own peril.