Zalman z9+ connect Molex of connetion
There are three connectors, the Molex, the photo really only two, there is another with a yellow and black wire. Molex with wires yellow/black and red/black coming from the fan controller has a black/black-from the valve on the back side of the case. Connect from power supply or maybe the other. Need help to connect, how to connect? If someone has the same case? If not more difficult to throw someone a picture of the correct connection. Thanks in advance!Spoiler
Dzhoel Miller
Have the same case, though I'm not home now, so that later I will throw off pictures :)
between ourselves, I was so... just need to give current from the PSU. That is zapiti first , and stick the connector pull one another. There in fact still be something between them to stick , I vidyaha was VSM adaptor to powered but there may be glitches. In short, don't be afraid of KZ will not.