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Prosveshenie 05.05.20 08:18 pm

Beautiful Diablo II for beginners (Diablo 2)

A survey in the game has shown that most do not know about improve the graphics of Diablo II, and dozens of people play without major graphical improvements with off perspective that they spoil the vision.
So, you need to establish a glide 3dfx, download it here:
Next you need to download IndirectSound here:
The whole thing to unpack in the game folder.
Then run the file glide-init.exe
There in Settings turn Off VSYNC.
Then run D2VidTst.exe and select Glide.
In the settings of the shortcut or launcher to start the game, add options-w-3dfx
Now my eyes hurt no longer.
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minovalo 05.05.20

Prosveshenie wrote:
with off perspective that they spoil the vision
And the view of the domes and went to other schools prospects that can spoil the vision?

Prosveshenie 05.05.20

Here it is not only about the mode of perspective and an improved graphics engine and improved sound glide libraries surround sound. Perspective is only an additional symptom of the health of the engine, glide and improved texture. But personally, I like to play with the included perspective. Of course, glide you need to customize yourself. Just, as it turned out, then more than half of the players just do not know about it and play in normal mode Windows compatibility that much break schedule.

minovalo 05.05.20

Prosveshenie wrote:
there is more than half of the players just do not know about it
Maybe, but for Windows with the mules/baffle OK is not needed. And from windowed mode without gamma setting eyes never hurt, just gloomy. But, on the other hand the glide of rapper (adjust resolution, and the cursor-lock, in particular) is very topic.

Klassewer 05.05.20

What's the point? XS, for me the directdraw>>>>glidе in the Maldives.
And about the sound look th this.

gottenspell 05.05.20

So eyes do not hurt, playing in windowed mode, the graphics are 1-to-1.

Kover 05.05.20

If you play in resolutions above 800x600, say, 1280x960, under renderer, you can enable supersampling, pre-activating this option in the Extensions section. The picture is not so blurred (the cross on the minimap it can clearly be seen). Open the image in a new tab if the layout of the forum is not visible.
PS default +, after installing IndirectSound ceased to fly after the error out of the game.

supersampling off
supersampling on

yashur 05.05.20

if you play in a window with this program, when opening and closing the inventory ,the cursor jumps

Sweety_Mustard 05.05.20

Titan quest, if you need graphics. If you don't, you can take the wigs, gentlemen )

Klassewer 05.05.20

You can look at the VP of the 5th act. with directdraw and glide/direct3d. I don't know what the shit is drawn in the 2nd case ).

minovalo 05.05.20

What program? In glide-wrapper, turn on window-mode and write -w in the shortcut. To deploy the full screen by alt+enter, if need be.

yashur 05.05.20

Yes I mean it. is window-mode. the cursor runs away every time when opening inventory

minovalo 05.05.20

XS, wm, and w did not twitch.

Oh, I know what you mean, it is slightly shifted out of inventory. But it is a trifle that even do not pay attention.

Klassewer 05.05.20

Leonid Arkadievich

Klassewer 05.05.20

Leonid Arkadievich
You do not see the difference? look in the center of the EP, for the rays which depart from the centre like rays from the sun.
under DirectDraw all kresevo in Glyde\директ3д there greased they are. this is what clearly evident.
Glyde makes the picture brighter, but the texture is lubricated, it is even seen on your screenshots (even if not look at the EP). What kind of improve graphics you are all firmly a mystery to me.

Klassewer 05.05.20

Leonid Arkadievich
I wrote that also displays direct 3D and glide. I don't know what improvements this brings glide, except for turning on the entire screen, preserving the 4:3. Well, here's another scheme to change you want. Have fun as you wish ).

UHSAV 05.05.20

Prosveshenie wrote:
with off perspective
What there is still a prospect? Isometric it is the good old isometric?!
Prosveshenie wrote:
So, you need to establish a glide 3dfx download it here
It is not necessary to download!
Prosveshenie wrote:
Now my eyes hurt no longer.
Eyes don't hurt. Familiar with D2 PG with 2011. But in UO really get sick of the camera movement is choppy. Good thing I never found the time.
Sweety_Mustard wrote:
Titan quest, if you need graphics. If you don't, you can take the wigs, gentlemen )
Clearly and essentially.

And I'd add that it became very fashionable to do there are different engines from Ganeev idiots. Which created platformers requiring 4 gig of RAM and percent for 2.5 GHz. For this and appreciate the D2 engine. Play on the embedded video at least 8 ppl and though that.

Prosveshenie 05.05.20

UHSAV wrote:
Eyes don't hurt. Familiar with D2 PG with 2011.
I do not argue, everyone has different system. But I have a standard window almost black screen in dungeons. With Glide becoming norms and colorful.
Leonid Bykov wrote:
after loaded the files IndirectSound game is IMHO
I have no lag. Maybe the Glide settings?
Sweety_Mustard wrote:
Titan quest, if you need graphics. If you don't, you can take the wigs, gentlemen )
I just have two labels. In only one parameter -w-skiptobnet (play in window) for the mules, Bo and wigs - standard poor graphics.
The second shortcut with the parameters -w-3dfx -skiptobnet to play the main character.
The Glide mode is activated only if the shortcut has a parameter -3dfx

UHSAV 05.05.20

Prosveshenie wrote:
I do not argue, everyone has different system.
I agree. He noticed that when it is played Minekraftom and even any specific game. Then I sometimes started to have a headache. Asked a friend, a long time ago. He says all the rules. I did not understand - how so?
Prosveshenie wrote:
But I have a standard window almost black screen in dungeons.
Nuuuu maybe you are not playing on a flat monitor, and the monitor with electrical radiation tube? They have the property that the tube monitor for years, sits down, and the image becomes darker. Need to add brightness Maleh. Also in the game settings you can tweak. That is, if we are talking about full screen. And if to play, then did so. Everything is really dark.
Prosveshenie wrote:
after loaded the files IndirectSound game is IMHO
Remember life when it was rocked D2 here with these chips mentioned in this thread. Look like this but wp has become such a pretty and everything else, too. Sorry had to remove as podlagivala in a single game. I don't want to waste time experimenting with these graphic twists added. It was not interesting to me.

Ciplyata 05.05.20

Mod is cool, but on the new laptop black screen, had to reinstall the game( And the old is gone, only from the perspective of just a headache(and even the CPU from this load))

Prosveshenie 05.05.20

For old PC with Windows XP theme is not relevant. Glide is only needed for the game in a window, starting with Windows 7. If the game on full screen, everything is now working. On WindowsXP also don't need anything, as the game was developed under the old OS. However, in order to comfortably play on a modern PC (in the box), you need to put Glide. Brakes can be, as modern PCs are much more powerful than the old, so the Glide settings be forced to limit fps. I understand that there is a pattern when playing on 2 laptops: one for full screen and the other wigs in the Windows. But most, I think, playing on 1 computer where you want to place everything in separate Windows with normal graphics. For this purpose and created a subject. As for IndirectSound, we can see another important function of this library: it transmits the sound even on an inactive window that allows you to hear the murder on the background of a mule, and the background sounds of the approaching mobs by standing on leveling characters in the throne or anywhere else.