Modify (XCOM: Chimera Squad)
Game as the past is open to modification, literally everything in the TXT fileXCOM - Chimera Squad\XComGame\Config
For Example DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini allows you to edit the weapon as their own and enemies (enemies begin after Advent and Alien)
You can edit the damage, critical, etc., if difficult, you can apnut his or ARPANET enemies, or Vice versa for the hardcore). Damage abilities there.
In the file DefaultGameData_XpData.ini you can reduce the requirements for gaining levels, etc.
Generally all very similar to what happened in the past Some, you can search in those topics.
The starting parameters for the soldiers for example, it's somewhere in DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.ini but where is the new who do you get it? As I understand it, everything goes to GRAY PHOENIX is your soldiers?
Someone found interesting is that?
Salvage and primary resources fail DefaultGameData
StockItems=(TemplateName=Medikit, CreditsCost=-500)
StockItems=(TemplateName=FlashbangGrenade, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=SmokeGrenade, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=CeasefireGrenade, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=TracerRounds, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=TranqRounds, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=BreachingCharge, CreditsCost=1)
StockItems=(TemplateName=AutoKeyCard, CreditsCost=1)
But it's interesting, I think soon, the website will have files that will facilitate the game, or on the contrary complicate.
DefaultGameData.ini XComGame unit.XComGameState_HeadquartersXCom
even found a list of cheat console commands but can't turn on the console itself. The methods of the previous parts does not help.
Yes, mods will be plenty, there are those who did for last not even a particularly pereuchivatsya can. If it is difficult to whom you can change guns in the standard file DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini just to see where his and where is the enemy, and then surprise you. Or increase the HP but need to find armor that I don't remember where....
The Wolf Mercenary
Yeah, saw that too, but need the console.
The wolf Mercenary wrote:
even found a list of cheat console commands but can't turn on the console itself. The methods of the previous parts do not help
XS works for me.
I think I should try myself in this matter. Maybe something useful can be done.
DefaultStrategyTuning -- initial resources for each difficulty
Starting Resources
StartingIntel[0]=801222 ; Easy
StartingIntel[1]=601233 ; Normal
StartingIntel[2]=50 ; Hard
StartingIntel[3]=50 ; Impossible
StartingCredits[0]=200123 ; Easy
StartingCredits[1]=150123 ; Normal
StartingCredits[2]=145 ; Hard
StartingCredits[3]=130 ; Impossible
StartingElerium[0]=901233 ; Easy
StartingElerium[1]=701233 ; Normal
StartingElerium[2]=65 ; Hard
StartingElerium[3]=55 ; Impossible
There is not difficult, for example I'm at the top pointed the weapon in the file DefaultGameData_WeaponData.ini, and change Damage= any, for example to simplify the game but make it interesting with 4 on 6, etc. But there for your soldiers, only the first 6 groups and what is the PSI after them, more enemies. And so on, every file in that folder.
In the last part I did not like that the same shotguns and sniper rifles with avtomatomi with one damage. I did there for yourself so that the shotgun damage was 2 times higher but with a range much fell accuracy, so that the gun was for firing at close range.
BUT first, save somewhere the Config folder, it takes a little, just in case. If somewhere something not so, to be able to return.
Method described above to change the settings of the starting of soldiers running, run DefaultGameData_CharacterStats.ini
Here everyone decides how much the guy wants to imagine, and to simplify the game this.
But we need to start a new game!
Run all from XCOM CHARACTERSдо GRAY PHOENIX in the parameters, [eStat_HP] - life and so on., there every specialist separately + 2 difficulties, easy and normal.
Get this:
You and the entire Engine folder and save it separately, because very little news.
AlexeyMC wrote:
Here everyone decides how much the guy wants to imagine, and to simplify the game this.
As for me, the game is not complicated. Play on a medium level, and it's pretty easy. In the same xcom enemy unknown, on average, significantly harder to play. I played today and I have three men for the mission endured.
Like DefaultGameData but as he did not understand much. There is something that Rewards
For example there is
if you do
You can often fall epic guns or krasnitsa game.... haven't tested
I have more sports ineres, as I wrote, doing various damage to snipe a shotgun and machine gun, but narfil something else. The shotgun accuracy, the snipe did triple damage but single shot, etc.
The rules are there unique weapons like the crossbow was weak IMHO, for single-shot, here it apnuli, axes there, etc. despite the fact that the game was a bunch of RA play with this thing and challenges. Just so there is more to do to remove the limit of moves, etc.
Well, or just to simplify, but instead of coach on an infinite course to make range not 10 and 20 or 15. Stormtrooper syndrome is generally a thing of the past with the mistakes with probability 95%, there is also apal accuracy because it Busila. Here everyone decides. You can even strengthen the enemies and play without right for mistake.
AlexeyMC wrote:
Well, or just to simplify, but instead of coach on an infinite course to make range not 10 and 20 or 15. Stormtrooper syndrome is generally a thing of the past with the mistakes with probability 95%, there is also apal accuracy because it Busila. Here everyone decides. You can even strengthen the enemies and play without right for mistake.
Agree, this game does not hold. The chance of getting 100 %, and the detective turns to attack, which ones can't.
That's right, hated. Finally did a 100% probability that at least it was possible to calculate the battle, but crits then cut, so as not to shotit all. Well, the current sniper left, but did have rifle 1 charge. Shot and KD... And that's also what people want, want the story to run on easy but without a coach, increase a little bit of your settings and forward.