The game slows down in the cut-scenes (Far Cry: Primal)
The problem is this - the game itself works smartly on high-ultra settings, it produces from 36 shots in the most difficult areas 45 in most of the rest. But when there are cut scenes, the fps drops to 20. Config in the profile. Game pirates.ghoul666
Settings even diminish while the game is not 60 fps stable. Then the cut scenes would be fine to go.
in the game everything is fine, say it again. just checked - in the village only produces 35-36 frames, and in the world to 60 comes. even the opening splash gives 22 of the frame. there is something else.
I also video a bit slow, I think the matter in the hard disk drive.
The terrain is loaded in the RAM when loading the splash screen, but the loading times cut-scenes did not.
In the village you also must be 60 frames. You twisted the tuning more than able to digest your PC. Settings should be put in the village. When I get normal fps in the village without the lag, then the cut scenes will not be slowing down. Or put a smaller one in the village when you get out put more.
36 shots is quite normal and no brakes, but the videos suck.
no, this is unlikely, in other games everything is OK, tupnyak only in this. even the fucking Deus Ex Mankind Divided and in the cut-scenes gives the same fps as the game itself.
Please help! Here's the thing. Took the machine on asus z270e, кам0ень 7700k, video gtx1080 strix, memory 8гиг tridentz 3600 Mhz, all data on the ssd, power supply per Kilowatt drags with a vengeance. With cooling too, everything is OK, the card heats up to max 70 degrees, percent to 65, and then the temperature was observed at very moderate overclocking of frequency of GP and memory in graphically heavy situations and on very hot days. Under acceleration I play very rarely, usually at the factory frequencies, if they have enough. A computer connected to a smart TV 15th year Samsung, play usually at 4K on high settings almost all games,however, locadia at 30 fps because of v-sync (by the way, I don't know how to deal with it, but the sacrifice is not like the TV is not Monique, any g-sync'and does not support, so that the picture breaks without v-sync... this retreat to what somebody advise how to solve), but I'm not particularly soars, as the fps is stable, does not SAG, and mostly I play offline, so that 30ки enough(but of course, fps is never too much;). And all would, like, okay, but before I could get enough faced trouble in the cut-scenes. Almost all games, only the cut-scenes there are problems with audio(stuttering, lagging or ahead of pictures) and/or with a picture(creepy additives fps). Decrease the game graphic settings, even at values well below recommended disabling extra options like that of the notorious v-sync, and/or reduction in the resolution do not solve the problem. The system is clean, recently purestevil, no virus, driver always the freshest, audio and video Kodak too. Help pliiiz!