Irknet Why ? (Diablo 2)
I will try briefly to describe, in the chat, everything was fine, the people traded peacefully talking came firk said player ACC zc_15 that as it communicates with the player xixa it means he's gay, etc. and so forth. in General, began their own preferred trolling strongly developing this theme, zc it is quite adequately answered that I was surprised by the way even without the Mat has Grotanol firka just beautiful firk merged, after 5 minutes comes the moderator little-hero bans zc, and firku normally do, I asked a moder question why you firka not to ban the unfair the same reply he deigned apparently the average player reply sorry for the expression zapadlo, this mess is happening constantly , who the firk ? it is that untouchable ? allegedly thieves or how you got there ? then you in the server rules list so they say so this can all rules for it are written. do not delete the topic plz problem the infinite limit in the chat is not going anywhere better take some measures so it is impossible xD.vadim011
While I was AFK, FERC went to the HC channel and asked the moderator to go to the OSN channel, God will judge them shorter;D
KARYPCIYA! ya vot little-hero ya ne piwy mol voznikau wo zabanil ti menya vse dela vse zaslujino, no issue, po4emy ti ego ne baniw', 4estno bilo bi oboih zabanit' t.k. on 1-u na4al i pri etom 3 point harness narywil: 1-oskorblenie igrokov u, 2-u provokacii, 3-u klivita. Niparyadok poly4aetsya, 1-h banim, a lileem other. KARYPCIYA!
Somehow caught in an ambush dpsnikov(he was to blame, OFC) on the track. While they made a report, five people of the same offenders drove past. What the guard philosophically spoken, time to stop and time to draw up reports...!
Uncle Fred
bi-bip, po4emy-to ya emy v pm piasl wobi ves' 4at pro4ital i razobralsya do konca vo vsem, no v otvet tiwina :C
Are you reading this? :D the Theme with the application of gold)
Does anyone have a screen as even without the Mat has Grotanol firka just beautiful firk merged ?:DD
What kind of Lucy?
Throw your screens-at least we know how vircom can compete. Nobody has been able to townit it without the Mat!
RainInTheNight, you know, Bob, I read and think well, well fuck you then grazing over the years, if you are not rushing this situation?. I Cho, I'm finally not suffering - gameplay right, but the forum I was here satisfied. :-)