Question about ancient AI (Spoiler) (Mass Effect: Andromeda)
Spoilerose passing game. Can't find the Ancient AI. Next to the module Sam it is not. Where did he go?Ancient AI is a myth, in fact it is batarians them and this quest is implemented in the DLS, so do not waste your time.
he last mission was on the nexus near .Sam.
and on the hyperon for him, even no place.
He's kind of at the headquarters of the rebels should be. I really broke it, SAM can not relax )
well, write by the developers of that part of the job was to be not in residential deck or cryo-chamber of the nexus, and on the Hyperon)))
Here is a schematic which)
How to say clearer...
Residential deck, the cryo-chamber is part of the ship, not the nexus. Because when the spacecraft undocked from the station and a residential deck and cryo-Bay will be on Hyperion, for they are a part of the ship, not part of the station.
And Yes, I suspect that it is either jamb localizers or developers themselves. And more the second than the first.
And Yes, I know that was all built as a single project, because of the peculiarities of the design, for example spec. the docking Bay of the ark.
so I'm with this moment and do not argue)
simply incomprehensible picky up to this point)
It is logical to assume that the ancient mind should be in those who created the relics!
And help from him in the final will be more significant later!