Help to pass this level... (Spider-Man: The Movie Game)
In the beginning of the game, Spidey sneaks into the warehouse, sees the murderer of his uncle, chasing him into a big room in a corner of the door, and above it the red light flashes, Spidey comes up to her and says"the Door is locked, the key must be one of those idiots... two doors indefinitely vylaziyut bandyuki, someone tell me how to open this door, you REALLY need...Kill the guy in the hat he's supposedly the main one. He has a key. True happened in my game is buggy and this guy once it so happened that his urine until it stops.
Hey pliz help can not seem to pass the second when their way to the warehouse there is a movie where one thief closes the door and goes from there where you do not know.and then when the movie ends I walk down the hall and go out where many Kolesov go in before they open the big door and there is nothing more to do and there are no enemies, only the barrels and
I don't know,when you're down there,find the door,then go find a large door there will be a movie about this peda in the hat,go for the truck,there will be a surprise,but I think you will understand what you should do
the people I have here is crap:I'm uroven 2 and then black screen and spamdyke just painful
Fire Bomb: the Game is glitched, try to restart the level or the game itself. In extreme cases - pirates of burning!
Spermatozoid: the same thing - a glitch of the game.
Igor from 1992: Pirates of burning, will help patch, which is put only on the English version.
and you decided this question? very hunt to play but not what to do.
I bare not the most direct win. I want to hit him, and he gave me a shotgun and I fall shmalyaet