Who and how to cure a hangover?
The wedge-does not roll.Zae Tired.Most importantly, maybe someone knows how to soothe the liver and the toilet stop scaring?the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
I treat hangover what is not used. Method is reliable, recommend.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Tan and ayran you to help if Orthodox cucumber pickle does not help.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Spoilerage fit one morning NAPAs relieves all the symptoms.
It is better not to drink.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Mineral water, activated charcoal. No more. Well, you can antipohmelin to try.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
The best way to clean the carcass - drink plenty of plain water.
Goes with age. Now I almost never get hangovers. Once recently was, and never understood why. Pill from the head, shower, went to sleep an hour or two and everything is okay.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Many years studying the issue. Came to a disappointing conclusion - no way. Drink water, pain medication based on ibuprofen (not paracetamol!), write and lie.
Uh.. And how old are you?
I dairy products help. Yogurt, for example. And pill of citramon (or two at once) Then devoured and to sleep. Woke up and nothing hurts))) But well, last time, trying not to touch. Age is not 20 years)
Do you think that ethanol moonshine breaks not EA poison the body to acetaldehyde, and something else? If your statement is true vector, it is directed to the fact that you need to drink quality alcohol. And it's not necessarily samagon. Most likely, it's NOT moonshine.
Why bring up the hangover? You just need to support blue as periodic injections.
urban.kalabanovich wrote:
You just need to support blue as periodic injections
blue blue dad
blue mom
blue blue I
that's my whole family
A hangover? What is it?
Later, the boys again got drunk.On account of mineral water so any kind of liquid more than a minute in the stomach does not hold.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Years-how much? Sick from low blood pressure, nothing can be done.
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
All right, well done. With The New Year.
As drunken guymer I cure a hangover two-three liter cold beer. And so for four days, the hangover goes away, and oooon of uuuuy I have a strong!!!!!!!))))
the killer of the Anglo-Saxons
Come to me I'll heal you. So get drunk and come here, and then in restaurants in restaurants in restaurants find you and I will lose to restaurants))))! Will show you how you can assemble, to disperse, to play on the pitch!) Beer will goooooooogle?