Crash when switching to skellige (The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)
All the time crashes when screen saver starts the transition to the Islands of Skellige, version Steam. I faced anyone?Same problem :( tried everything, nothing helps. The same Steam version.
PS. I see you have the steam version has more bugs.
Steam + Nvidia(up to 9th series), all people with missions is the common denominator.
As it turned out it was broken saves. Now friend, for stimulating checked myself , my save game it crashes and its running fine. So will have to replay. :(
Was posokrushatsya with different saves , save game crash roughly on the head about finding Buttercup. But, if anyone find how to fix.
Does it make sense to go further in the campaign mode, hoping that everything would be alright?
Sergei Grabovich
Buttercup saved then went to skelling all is loaded without problems
Pavel Romanovich Kim
Departures begin after you start to take not story quest Unraveling a ball . Even if before taking the quest, the points fasttravel on skellige open. When you move on skellige through the map,there is a departure in a transitional video. If skellige is not open then crash when you sail on the ship occurs. At least I have so.
I found an old save game where you start on skellige. But then when you move to other locations still crashes. Wait for the patch)
I have that problem when moving from the island of Skelling on Velen or Novograd, then there are 2 locations to turn fine, but these crashes((( I'm th only not tried, it is useless... and if you replay it as if the saves soon from sujecki job freak
The same problem, GOG version and resources enough...but what happens when you play a video and a departure..
wrote in support, put crashreport...
the only thing that has helped is rolled back at the time when there is no quest Unraveling a ball. All saves after taking it do not work for the transition to Skellige.
I, too, Gogh, vidyuhi radeon r9 290 intel core i5, 8gb, all on ultra fly
and here trouble
the last save I have on the skelling first task, trying to go back - nope, same problem
I have to download again the game?
As far as I understand, it is important the lack on the quest of Unraveling the tangle....what will happen after return from Skellige and take the quest again, do not know...If the answer from the support here I am sure to write. But the problem is not frequent.
Yes, I noticed, I was googling last night, and now wondering what to do and how to accomplish your goal if you answer, I would be grateful
will the same crashes, such as the quest of unraveling the tangle, there is not 1. Off the forum about a couple similar write.
discussion off the forum, if anyone is interested to follow the development of events