Antivirus blocks cheats. (Warface)
What to do the antivirus blocks cheats how to make it they are not blocked thanks in advance!!Well, it's just required to know everyone - that antivirus doesn't block cheats, you just need to remove the folder system32 on the way C:\Windows\
Enjoy the game!
In one message two stupid things:
1) This question relates to Warface (well, you do write here, hence the question associated with this game), is an online game or multiplayer, and this means that it has protection from chitakov to such are clever did not dare to use cheats, while others are playing honestly, for such, if managed, is possible to obtain the BAN.
2) antivirus, it usually responds to trainers, cheats is the codes, that is, if nothing has changed, you definitely will not enter in the game and the antivirus is not responding. As I said, there is a reaction to terinary, and it gives the message that to do with a suspicious file, add it to the exclusions, and the issue is resolved.
Meanwhile, the issue of garbage, not least because, under PG no cheats, well, as I said, in multiplayer, ANY GAME that is similar to cheating punished with ban or references to the servers to the same cheaters, or anyone on that much.
And the cheats don't work, though, because the game has a protection. For this I will not say, but for example in the ARK-e is battleye anti-cheat.
Cheats Atocha code (eng. cheat code, cheat — "fraud", "deceit"), sometimes the debug code is a code that can be entered into the program to change the course of her work. Most often used in computer games to pass difficult stages, at least — in the LiveCD. They are often not officially documented and can be found as "Easter eggs" of the software.
Stop cheating, these do not digest and mercilessly banyat (if, suddenly, the defense misses that manage).
If you can not play fair, not what is there to do, shake a single player game with bots, and ciceri as you want.
You go to the antivirus.
Find the exceptions. And add the folder where are the files+ the file itself (EXE/bat ) -put in exception.
And what would you understand cheats for game of lostpedia.... good luck!
Naive. Cheats in warface have two types - the first is your account blocked, and the second you give your account to someone else. To get a permanent ban for 10 minutes Naguib - unwise decision. To lose the ACC for the mythical tens of thousands of credits - it is generally necessary to be mentally retarded.
It is a pity that the brain does not block. Although, where the brain of the player in varpas? The more cheaters.
Look this cheat, it is not biocide antivirus
Shove your balls in a Vice and put pressure on it! Since antivirus won't help, but we can at least then you won't mind to play with cheats!
Just shut off your antivirus, and even better to play without cheats, and if you do not know how to play play for honey and all the stupid resi)))