The longest game
I think it's oblivionTES IV Oblivion
No questions asked . Played it for two years. And you could still be if you want to continue, if all the monsters with me already greet started :)) also fall into this category and Sims
I understand there is meant the longest storyline . Then none of Simonov not suitable . The Sims is a simulator and plot there . In Obvilion not played , but apparently worth it .)) If it people years play , and yet the longest I think GTA4 , I suppose it was very long .
World of Warcraft, every single long, simply can not be, the same Oblivion you can if you want to go for a week and forget all
both parts of mass effect if you fold it the long game after all poluchaetsya
mass effect 2 is a full sequel and it will be mass effect 3
and oblivion