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_Xz4ca920byX_ 14.05.20 12:46 pm

Experience Faction Pack DLC (Metro: Last Light)

Developer's blog of downloadable content #1

The General idea

Welcome to the blog of the developer of downloadable content for Metro: Last Light!

In this series we're going to talk about the upcoming sets of downloadable content for Metro: Last Light and will open to you the secrets of the development process.

1. Set groups

When we began to think about downloadable content for Metro: Last Light, I made some rules.

Firstly (and most importantly), don't cut anything intended for the game to be included in the content.

And secondly, the content should not change the ending or even any way affect the main game plot.

We wanted the DLC was perceived as a separate structure. If you have played Metro: Last Light and it passed, you have truly completed the game. You don't need to buy any alternative endings no prologue to get the full enjoyment from the game. The story of Artyom in Metro: Last Light is self-contained and fully revealed in the game itself.

On the contrary, we wanted to explore the process the Metro and to embody the content of the new principles and improvements of Metro: Last Light that are not included in the main campaign.

First up is the faction pack. It includes three original single player missions, each you play as a new character. But, in fact, each character is a specialist, working on one of the three major factions...

Creating a storyline Artyom in Metro: Last Light, we tried to make it so that the player always appreciate the consequences of their actions. You decide who your character will be a deadly cold-blooded killer or a humane person, capable of compassion. (And made by you in the course of the game decisions determine what ending is waiting for you.)

The faction pack is your motivation more clear. This means that we gave the player the freedom to do what I want and not worry about the consequences!

In Mission 1 you play for a sniper of a special unit of the red line. Your task is to penetrate the Outpost of the Reich. This is a huge complex structure, where it is necessary to get around. Actually, we wanted to include a sniper sequence in the Subway, but it seemed like a far-fetched and not entirely consistent with the campaign Artem. But now you play as one of the most formidable snipers in the Red, and it all makes sense J

We give you a new silenced weapons, including the deadly rapid-fire sniper rifle. Fans of Metro 2033, the environment will seem familiar – we took an abandoned Outpost of the Reich, guarding the entrance to Black station, and improved it. Added a new dynamic weather effects and lighting, which we introduced in core 4A Engine for Last Light.

In Mission 2 you become heavy infantryman Reich walking tank, protected by strong armour and are equipped with almost the most powerful weapons in the Subway, including a makeshift heavy machine gun and etticiency Rail. This is a truly unique weapon that uses ammunition to Tihar, driving them to the deadly speed of electromagnetic waves.

Again, in Metro: Last Light we didn't want to put Artem in such conditions, in which the player will need to mow countless enemies. And we had to carefully balance the amount of ammunition and resources for the game plot... you Can safely say that Reich trooper these restrictions do not apply! In this mission, we wanted you to be happy to use the most destructive weapons and never regretted using them...

Event Missions take place on the front Line. This dilapidated war underground bridge separating the two armies ' positions. And Yes, it's the same name a level from Metro 2033

Finally, in Mission 3, we are very free to experiment with the basics of Metro gameplay.

You play as a cadet, the future of the Ranger Policy, tasked to explore a ruined library, and find the artifacts. (Yeah, this is the Great library from Metro 2033. Feel the trend?)

You start in a safe zone with a gun, a limited amount of ammunition and equipment. And then you go ahead and explore the vast surface. Just do not forget to check the level of clean air in the filter. Filters can only buy for cash, and the cash you get, only selling found treasures.

Each trip to the surface forcing to keep in mind point of no return: do you have enough time to return to the safe zone? Facilitate the task: as you progress you will be able to light the torches and screw the light bulb to mark the route, like Theseus unwinding his thread on the way to the center of the labyrinth...

We hope you enjoy these three slices of gameplay Metro. I also hope that players of Metro 2033 will see our reinvention of the three favorite fan-made levels.

Our next piece of downloadable content – set the Tower. He did not like the set groups, but we'll discuss this in the next issue of our blog. And yet enjoy the ride, hold on tight.

Source: http://enterthemetro.com/ru/news/community_news_uk/dlc_developer_blog_1_rus/
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_Xz4ca920byX_ 14.05.20

With that I climbed all the 3 hours.

Racerest 14.05.20

if you install the pirated add-on litsuhu may be banned? Please answer thanks in advance!

Racerest 14.05.20

please tell me if to buy litsuhu and put pirate Faction Pack Supplement can ban?thanks in advance.

Stalker-Dok 14.05.20

I don't know about the ban because the game is not on the Internet. And it will keep track of bought and play if the Internet would play a set then Yes ban would be. Just Supplement like should not operate. Though try if the th 2 account buy)

andi-x 14.05.20

Not worth it!

SkyraX 14.05.20

play now library,have to do this one,I can not find these items,where are they??..


SkyraX 14.05.20

it remains to find the points and details of weapons,can someone give a screenshot where are they? all Abril

Golden Fox 14.05.20

Subway map-2 lies in the catacombs (there's a librarian), there's a room with a bunch of raised boxes.
Points like next to something else lay out there somewhere, where the vines hung from the ceiling - there is still the librarian rummaged. Before or after the falling helicopter, probably in the area of piano. Can continue.

SkyraX 14.05.20

the subway map I found,I cant find the GLASSES

arinr 14.05.20

When the Grand staircase climb into a hole in the wall, you find yourself in a room with one supalai. There on the shelf of the closet glasses are. How many times played, there was always

SCAR. 14.05.20

Today I decided to buy the DLC and see what are these three small stories about the soldiers from the different factions - the heavy infantry of the Reich, the Stalker of the Policy and the sniper of the red Line.
To my surprise, the DLC for a relatively small price was quite good. Now try to describe the impressions of all three stories.

1: Heavy infantry of the Reich.
The first on the list is history in which we have to get into the skin of the heavy infantry Hans, sent to defend the line of movement of the red Line.
Itself history is very short. In fact, it's shooting. Not even a shooting... and a kind of demonstration of two special types of weapons - machine gun and grenade launcher. All that is required from Hans is to deter the Reds, firing a machine gun at him, thereby, harassing porridge dozens of people. Even walking will not happen - we just closed on a post.
Honestly - this history even surprised, heh. Like in the Subway lives after all not such a big number of people, but for a couple of minutes Hans will mow down so many souls, that there is even Call of Duty would envy such scale cannon fodder. Toll is in the tens (the Incentive is even achivka for killing a hundred people with heavy weapons). In the end altogether to bomb the tank (for what is useful and new launcher) and admire the real mess of the piles of dead (and not) bodies. a bloodbath from Metro I did not expect.
This history does not carry the something special and should not expect from it some depth. This shooting gallery. Cold, brutal shooting. Want to shoot a pepper and to feel like a tough big man, which alone is worth a whole battalion? You are here.

2: The Kshatriyas Of The Policy.
The second story will allow us to pass the story of one Stalker who was taken to the detachment of the Kshatriyas. His task - to find on the surface of a variety of artifacts (this can be a variety of things old world) and carry them to the base Policy.
Most surprising in this history that it is... open. You could even say it's like we're playing in a open world game, not a rail shooter. Yes, everything happens only in one location, but it's a big and detailed locations:
We have a database where we can load up on (see below) and where the drag of the artifacts found. There is a huge Lenin library, which we need to learn. There are a variety of workarounds that allow a quick return from the library to the base and Vice versa. Even a save point in GTA style! Yes Yes, I'm serious.
As I mentioned above - on the basis you can load up. That's right - there is a private store where we can buy/sell/improve our weapons, buy a new outfit (armor or radiation, your choice), and the same type of ammo/equipment/filters/kits etc.
The main income of cartridges (local currency) - the same artifacts. They are different and the value they have, respectively, different. It can be toys, papers, knick-knacks, maps, books and a bunch of other swag. In the game there're 30 and if you want to find them all (by the way, you will be rewarded more and achival) - you'll have to ransack the location. And here comes the main advantage of this history is the study of.
This story is not about war, not about survival, not about killing and not saving. It is about the study. To explore, study, find - that they are goals and achievements of the Kshatriyas. There are very few enemies. There aren't enemies of the people. Here in essence is you... and the library that holds your treasure. And you go there to find them and bring them home.
The quietest, in fact, harmless history... and it's great. It's nice to know 4АGames did not another Supplement about fire and meat - they did exactly what was lacking original М2033 and M:LL - the spirit of inquiry and a sense that you live in this world and you in it has its own work.
If you always attracted to stay somewhere in the middle of the original game and explore locations. If you are going strictly on the story, and want for a while, but to get into the skin of those stalkers - boldly go in this history. I think you will like it same as me.

3: Sniper team.
And closes the top three history sniper of the red Line. Here, as was to be expected after the previous two in priority to secrecy. The hero of this history: Red sniper who needs to secretly infiltrate in the special place held by the Reich.
At first this history like a sniper shooters - we have a special rifle, we have a goal: to quietly take down enemies in the towers, posts. But then comes the usual stealth mechanics in Metro: we Unscrew light bulbs, quietly remove enemies, we clean one place after another and quietly go forward. And so to the end. Of course, in the beginning with us is a partner, but his role here is purely plot, so don't worry (or rely) on someone's help.
This history too short. Though not as much as the first... but if you have been able to bear all the quiet and death - for you, it will pass quickly. If not - then you have a chance to stay here, a little bit of honing the art to deal with enemies quickly and quietly.
But the main disadvantage of this history (in my opinion) that it... ends on a cliffhanger. No, seriously: to complete the picture lacks only the signs to be Continued... at the end. Like there is no plot, nothing to be offended... but anyway, too abruptly the narrative, one might say - right in the middle of intrigue. And to be honest - I have a feeling that if the game and will in the future the other DLC, one of them may well be a continuation of the history of the sniper and his assistant. You never know...
You like stealth in Metro? You like to sneak among the enemies, and gently cut them out individually? Then don't hesitate - you just here.

Well, that's all. What can I say in the end? Developers surprisingly,could very well sit on three chairs, shattering as the fans of shooting in all and all, as fans explore everything, and those who just like to play a quiet.
For a very small price (99 rubles in steam) you can get a pretty good incentive to again get back into the game and see history of three different people.
I was quite pleased with this DLC. And hope that future additions will be, if not bigger and better... at least on the same level.

Oh yeah, if anything, the best history in my way:
The Kshatriyas Of The Policy.
Yes, still for me personally, it's the fit - finally had a chance to rest from the war and save everyone and everything... and just postalservice, hehe.

vanoz13 14.05.20

Class addition. Pleasantly surprised a moment in Staryi...Artifact - a clock (hanging on the wall). My parents are hanging in the kitchen, they fight, a door with a dial of wood, lacquered open (something like a box, and inside the mechanism, it is convenient to repair),but still there under the dial pasted the gullwings. The clock 20 years, go even one word, Soviet, nice! Who cares, I'll post a photo.

NightHawkreal 14.05.20

In Kshatria you can get through the basement of the library? Generally where you can get, and it only came to the room with the piano. Piano listen failed, had to go to the base, holding the breath. :)

Pol Atreydes 14.05.20

Damn, it seems everything is crawled several times, but never found the picture, parts of weapons, scientific research and map underground-2.

Rick1 14.05.20

Paul Atreides
YouTube to help.

saa0891 14.05.20

I have the Season Pass,so I will write about all that I've played.

It is a pity that all the DLC Sooooo short,really,I just didn't expect,after I created such an amazing and quite lengthy game to make such trim and sell them,can't believe it.

Very pleased for Paul,bandits generally cool sounded,the scene where the bandits are playing Russian roulette and you can quietly charge the gun all mortality,then the second goon says,well, what's b,there was also olives.
Scene with a Striptease where dancer say she is not the first freshness in clothes even killed,and the fortune teller so it's all good,just remember the scene from the story.
For Khan, too, wonder a little bit namutili mysticism,Ulman soaked crust.
For Anna, it is generally with a rifle of course fun to shoot,really felt that it was sniper,but damn what is it short,is traversed in five minutes,what it is,I even in the beginning did not believe, that's all.
It would be better done one the Supplement but long.

The mission of the Reich is also traversed in a few minutes in principle there and not have to undergo,it is necessary to beat only four waves of different opponents red line.
Liked the mission where a bunch of spiders was really interesting to pass.
I liked to pass the Library for a Kshatriya,perhaps probably one of the most interesting test,since you have very limited ammo,everything else you have to buy for money (filters,cartridges,even the suit and armor) and that would make money you must find on the surface of different valuable things and sell them,you can still collect money from slain monsters,librarians especially pleased.

The mission for the sniper is not too bad.

What in this game has cool graphics.

redfox2013 14.05.20

DLC ochem, game dummy with fervor, and in fact started, but business is (we bobla-pipal hawala) business

Tomas Freeze 14.05.20

and I especially liked the atmosphere in DLS spider's lair, great,there is about an abandoned and forgotten bunkers,twilight,the atmosphere in General that is necessary.more such DLS.

Racerest 14.05.20

I liked the library but I can make more items at least 100 pieces to more postalservice.So I hope that will make another interesting big DLS and multiplayer!

Tomas Freeze 14.05.20

I agree,when I wrote the post in the library I was not and did not know that about her DLS quest there.but the spider's lair is also a good mission))

in General, all the DLS is good,that's the current that went through the head Paul,I liked it too .but it is a pity that it's only the episodes without continuing.